Lesson 47 Lots of COINS, but no money!
My children are sick three months, but no money has been good to see the doctor, hey!
In fact it is increasingly being divided between people who have money but no time and people who have time but no money.
In fact it is increasingly being divided between people who have money but no time and people who have time but no money.
I sleep less than six hours a night and the job provides no vacations and little money, but the happiness and satisfaction I feel is rewarding enough.
He had pots and pans and odds and ends, but mother had no money to buy anything.
To earn more money, some parents have no option but to leave their children at hometown and work in big cities.
She had asked her mum for one, which would cost 460 dollars, but her mum said they had no money.
He had no choice but to perform on the streets to make money.
Council members assert that young people can start businesses even if they have little or no money or experience. But whether those start-ups last is another matter.
The new system requires countries to do a lot of things to improve public health, but provides no money.
But there was no money to run it. For eight years the prison has sat virtually empty.
The night doctor had gone, and the poor father had no money left, but they gave him a cardiogram anyway, and kept him there-apparently the night doctor had managed to speak with someone.
But with no more money in the Kitty that could mean schools in rich areas getting less.
It appears no money has changed hands but that Faraj has agreed to take on Portsmouth's liabilities, plus running costs.
Sure, you’d like to save, but there’s just no money left at the end of the month.
By contrast, he reckons, there are only about 3m households with broadband connections and reasonable amounts of money but no multichannel TV.
If she makes a full recovery Hindiya will be sent home with rations, but there is no money for a return visit.
On his home world, there is no money, no property, and life is barren but, Shevek leads us to believe, deeply meaningful.
Barack was in the middle of classes, with no money to speak of, but he flew to Chicago anyway.
But Spain no longer has its own money, which means that it can regain competitiveness only through a slow, grinding process of deflation.
Despite closing schools, markets, and airports, and distributing facemasks, I soon burned through my money and had no choice but to watch the havoc.
Scared for their jobs during the crisis, employees toiled more for no more money; but they cannot be whipped much harder.
Xerox PARC invented the fax machine, the mouse, Ethernet, laser printers, and the concept of a “windowing” user interface, but made no money on the inventions.
The newspaper says it was unable to get a comment from the grain Marketing Board but was informed that the agency has no money to transport the grain.
If your goal is to go overseas for a month but there's no money left over to allocate to a travel fund your budget is rather ineffective.
The governor of our State talks about the need to improve public education but puts no money where his mouth is.
Mr Westerwelle recently tapped into popular resentment against Hartz IV beneficiaries by complaining that in Germany “there seem to be only people who get tax money but no one who earns it.
Mr Westerwelle recently tapped into popular resentment against Hartz IV beneficiaries by complaining that in Germany “there seem to be only people who get tax money but no one who earns it.