Some m ay lead, some m ay follow, but none of us can go it alone.
Some might become leaders and some might just follow closely, but none of us can do it all alone.
Years later, Robert Louis Stevenson remarked, 'We think we are very fine fellows nowadays, but none of us can write like Hazlitt. '
But of course, nobody here is screaming, from which we can conclude none of us really do believe, fundamentally, deep down, that we're going to die.
His mother and I only have middle school qualification, but in business world, none of the college students can stand in line with us.
Not only did she make "black" the black it is today, but she also created the wardrobe staple that none of us can live without - the little black dress! Here are some little-known facts about her.
Now, none of us can come close to this on our own, but God cannot demand less of us, and the demand forces us to his side for strength.
Thanks for the info and everything, but you realize none of us can read that right?
None of us are immune to this, but with conscious effort you can shut off the outside world and just be present with the person you're with.
These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did.
These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did.