I don't want to tempt fate but none the less you are in good shape.
I know he has usually worked well but none the less I must punish him on this occasion.
But none the less, I saved his life at the risk of my own, and I have the certificate of the fact in my pocket!
"Of course, most of it is tomatoes and ketchup and potatoes and French fries, but none the less it is plant-based," Eshel said.
When all of my friends told me it is time to give up, I pay no attention to their suggestion: in tears, being hurt, but none the less expecting.
Spitzer detected a prebiotic molecule, called hydrogen cyanide, in the disks around yellow stars like our sun, but found none around cooler, less massive, reddish stars.
None of the works from Klimt's golden period has travelled to Liverpool, but there are excellent examples of earlier, somewhat less extravagant domestic portraits.
You might be stuck in one method of coping that has become complicated and no longer works so well, but none-the-less you are still coping and still managing life.
What I have found to work for me is a change of scenery. Big changes or little ones it doesn't matter but a change none the less.
There is reason to question the company's categorization of web traffic, but the trend is worth examining none the less.
Big changes or little ones it doesn't matter but a change none the less.
But Gates said reconciliation is none-the-less worth trying.
But life in British schools none the less creates ambivalences even for gifted children.
Only content from accounts marked public will be indexed by Bing, but it's a sea change none the less.
Now, none of us can come close to this on our own, but God cannot demand less of us, and the demand forces us to his side for strength.
I have noted his better behaviour, but, none the less (all the same), I cannot change my decision.
Britain's sense of moral superiority is not supported by churchgoing, but it persists none the less.
The visitor had been slightly startled, but her manner the next instant was none the less gracious.
The visitor had been slightly startled, but her manner the next instant was none the less gracious.