According to the second viewpoint, China now looks to the United States for help, but not vice versa.
Application contexts can be configured in a hierarchy where a child application context can see beans defined in a parent, but not vice versa.
You do not need to use Beautiful Soup with mechanize, nor vice versa, but more often than not you will want to use the two tools together as you interact with the "actually existing Web."
您不需要将BeautifulSoup 用于mechanize,反之亦然,但是多半情况下,当您与 “实际存在的Web”交互时,您将希望同时使用这两种工具。
The association wasn't perfect - not every shift in sleep pattern was associated with a growth spurt, and vice versa - but it was significant.
This raises an obvious chicken-and-egg question, but the smart money is on culture shaping the brain, not vice versa.
But that view depends on seeing money as enabling speech, not vice versa.
Intel did not have to invent anything new, but it did have to work out how to make small, cheap versions of the converters that turn electrical signals into light and vice versa.
In other words, you can know the position of an electron with a high degree of certainty, but not its momentum and vice versa.
you can either know the state that all participants will have, but not when; or vice versa.
There are numerous third-party libraries available for converting Python objects to JSON and vice-versa, but we did not need them.
In our opinion, using J2EE does not preclude the possibility of using Spring or vice versa, but these technologies complement each other rather nicely.
But it is vice versa - they work so they do not need to do this essential task.
Terms that occur in the document but not the query, or vice versa, have no effect on the similarity.
Feldman said the results showed that men do not lie more than women or vice versa, but that men and women lie in different ways.
Gradable antonyms are pairs of words opposite to each other, but the positive of one word does not necessarily imply the negative of the other, or vice versa.
Not that good work can't come out of bad places or vice versa, but if you're going to be working someplace every day with the same person or people, it might as well be pleasant.
Without such a definition we can know that white wines are wines and white, but not vice-versa.
Without such a definition we can know that white wines are wines and white, but not vice-versa.