Christine is selling her house, but on the other hand she doesn't want to move.
But on the other hand, right now Box 2 has either zero or $1M in it.
I admire his gifts, but on the other hand, I distrust his judgement.
He is an able man, but on the other hand he demands too much of people.
This is a novel, but on the other hand, it can be looked as a biography.
I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying.
Because I didn't believe it on the one hand, but on the other hand I experienced it.
But on the other hand, I know it's going to take a little bit of time, some patience.
This decreases some of the flexibility of the bean, but on the other hand it enables more rapid development.
But on the other hand, we thought that we knew them pretty well, and let us do more of a consensus building thing.
There are a number of breeds that are hypoallergenic, but on the other hand our preference is to get a shelter dog.
But on the other hand, how we Chinese dismiss them if those west-born Chinese don't even introduce themselves as Chinese.
But on the other hand, it has the universal benefit of open source systems: if you want it fixed, you have access to the source.
It might be kind of fanciful to some, but on the other hand, space travel was considered science fiction not that many decades ago.
Icould have made Techmeme! But on the other hand, I worry that one day she'll prefer her virtual touchscreen to crayons and blank paper.
But on the other hand, remember that Rule and his co-authors largely controlled for these superficial giveaways in their stimulus photos.
Now, I realize that it may cause you sleepless nights, but on the other hand, with an exam coming up, I would suggest you just forget about this.
On the one hand we have big losses. But on the other hand we have here this altruistic behaviour, which makes the case very different from the norm.
He was such a piece of our lives, but on the other hand you can't deny that he lived a long, wonderful life, and he'll be missed by all the people he touched.
But on the other hand, PayPal also threatens credit card companies by giving users the option to pay for their online purchases directly from their bank accounts.
But on the other hand, this physical inbox could alert would-be thieves to a tech-savvy geek who probably has a stockpile of electronics at the designated address.
But on the other hand new oil has to be found, our society is dependent on taxes from the industry for our services. It is very expensive to live up here, 'he says.
But on the other hand we should also see that when there is the arbitrage opportunity in the world, there are always people seeking it and it is hard to guard against.
But on the other hand, Sennhauser says there's no magic bullet for getting around DPI as users can usually only temporarily elude it by "finding flaws in their system."
(You can see a list of great bookmarklets we're using here). But on the other hand, a search for Twitter left us with so many options it was hard to even choose a favorite.
On one hand you want 1.0 to be perfect and done, but on the other hand you realize no software is every finished nor perfect, and you use other criteria to make the decision.
It rankles, but on the other hand, these regulations survive because the reality is that people are victimized all the time and we can't just allow companies to act in secrecy.
It rankles, but on the other hand, these regulations survive because the reality is that people are victimized all the time and we can't just allow companies to act in secrecy.