But over the weekend the former Italy coach contacted Deschamps to deny all reports on his return to Turin.
Last week it was still quite hot but over the weekend the temperature dropped a few degrees. It is so nice walking with the breeze and so comfortable.
Sensitive details were blacked out in the memos seen by most of the media on Thursday but over the weekend Marcy Wheeler, of the Emptywheel blog, found a copy in which crucial details were not masked.
在媒体于周四所看到的备忘录上,敏感内容都被涂掉了。但在周末期间,博客Emptywheel的博主Marcy Wheeler发现了一份关键细节未被遮盖的拷贝。
But policy makers across the region will still be crossing their fingers that Europe's response over the weekend really can stem the crisis.
Over the weekend up to 20 officers, aided by numerous volunteers, combed the surrounding land, discovering her van buried in the snowdrift, but nothing else.
Tom Cruise made his maiden visit to India over the weekend, but the Hollywood actor had trouble believing he was finally here.
An electrical breakdown had snarled train traffic on the Northeast rail corridor over the weekend, but everything was running smoothly for the holiday, Cole said.
Over the weekend, militants tried but failed to blast their way into an American base in eastern Afghanistan, striking before dawn with rocket-propelled grenades and a car bomb.
And not something easy like carrying the groceries in from the car, but something that requires some time and effort — like cooking all the meals over a weekend, or cleaning the entire house.
World Health Organization said over the weekend that the new swine flu virus had the potential to cause another pandemic, but that it had no way of knowing whether it actually would.
A series of dikes and makeshift barricades designed to protect Bangkok from the full brunt of the floods appeared to be holding over the weekend, but experts warned the city isn't out of danger yet.
Over the weekend, the family decided to take him off the machine that was breathing for him, and we all said prayers and good-byes, but Hugh didn’t go for it.
This is a Lovers Moon, so attend to what you need to during the week, but make room for love over the weekend.
Over the weekend, the Italian finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, seemed to issue a veiled warning: "a cheque that needs to be honoured has arrived in Italy, but it will not stop in Lampedusa."
The school was being sanitized over the weekend but still was holding a reunion featuring cocktails, dinner and dancing for hundreds of alumni from as far back as 1939.
The giant panda has long languished on the endangered species list, but an international monitoring group finally had some good news for it over the weekend.
Relationship pressure may come to a head over the weekend, but as it's caused by an opposition between Saturn and Mercury words and communication will create a lifeline.
You've not traveled for fun in a while, but over the full moon July 25 weekend it looks as though you will be able to go enjoy the company of friends.
The former Monaco boss made no secret of the fact that he was not pleased with the team's performance over the weekend, but doesn't believe this can compromise the season.
People have long disputed the benefits of exercising before sleep but studies show that if you don't get moving over the weekend, it can really throw off your sleep pattern.
There was little doubt but that an agreement to sell or shore up the firm had to be reached over the weekend.
But other than that I stay away from work over the weekend and spend time with my family, friends, a good book or movie or I do some other fun activity.
But Moggi insisted over the weekend: "I have not heard anything lately from the Della Valles. I do not know if they need something from Juventus."
Over the weekend, my friend invited me to watch a football game on television. But I do not like football. It is not my cup of tea.
The community is scattered over a vast expanse of land. But, come weekend, everyone loves a tipple and catches up on the latest news at the local pub.
The prospect of a US default before Greece may have seemed unlikely a month ago, but it is now a possibility after the US Congress' debt talks broke down over the weekend.
But this week I have everything under control, so I don't need to work over the weekend.
Other nations will still tussle over their own ratification, but this will put pressure on G20 nations over the weekend to move faster with their pledge to phase out subsidies to fossil fuels.
Other nations will still tussle over their own ratification, but this will put pressure on G20 nations over the weekend to move faster with their pledge to phase out subsidies to fossil fuels.