The nuclear power industry has developed methods to deal with minor contamination at plants, she said, “but scaling up those operations for something so large is going to be very costly.
The nuclear power industry has developed methods to deal with minor contamination at plants, she said, "but scaling up those operations for something so large is going to be very costly."
Some talked about scaling up XP for large projects, but no one had yet demonstrated that it could work repeatedly in small settings.
So, the scaling up is happening significantly now ... But, we still have a significant way to go before we reach everybody with the aid that they need.
But the real power of building a language this way comes when extending or scaling it up to include more features later.
Iraq has the potential to be a major source of new oil in the next five to 10 years, but the process of scaling up production faces many obstacles.
But Gigabit Ethernet is not a simple scaling up of the Ethernet we already know.
So, the scaling up is happening significantly now …But, we still have a significant way to go before we reach everybody with the aid that they need.
So, the scaling up is happening significantly now …But, we still have a significant way to go before we reach everybody with the aid that they need.