But some time later — maybe minutes, days, or weeks — you realize that no one had any intention of actually doing what you said.
This communication is said to be asynchronous because events do not arrive immediately in response to requests, but some time later.
It was much harder than they'd thought, so at first, they had to consult their children on the phone a lot, but some time later they were Ok.
If the body has only partially decayed, it is reburied in a smaller cheaper grave, but not for long, the body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed.
As time passed some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama.
The client can request some information from the service, but instead of waiting it moves on, and the service can send response at later point of time.
I eventually learned to utilize that time wisely (more on that in a later post), but recently I tried some new things for falling asleep quicker and they work!
It was some time later that Burton admitted that he had actually purchased the dog fully trained, but only to commands spoken in Welsh--a language that he spoke fluently, and Taylor spoke not at all.
过了一段时间,伯顿才承认,伊恩索是他买回来的,而且是只受过严格的训练的狗 - 不过训练指令是威尔士语的。 伯顿擅长这种语言,而泰勒完全不懂。
Sometimes Mommies and Daddies DO get back together again, later, after a time apart and some time for healing, but that happens because THEY found their own reasons to do so.
We finally made it home about 2.5 hours later and still had to find my son. He was safe at his school but we again with traffic it took us some time to get to him.
But removing wrong entries will take some time and we have to create the build with debugging information thus this option is for later time.
I later worked for some time to write slogans, words written by now Fangsong also good, but a computer, I also quotes the advantages to this point.
Wang Ping: I will go for a visit some time later, and let my dream come to true. But...
I don't remember how many times I've had that dream, but every time the dreams was so similar that I wanted to have the same dream of flying in some later days.
I don't remember how many times I've had that dream, but every time the dreams was so similar that I wanted to have the same dream of flying in some later days.