But the next morning, on March 2, he was informed that the snow leopard had died.
Sarah didn't realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her diamond ring that she had put in her change purse until the next morning.
Everyone loves a good house party, but the cleaning up in the next morning isn't as enjoyable.
Andy awoke the next morning in a pool of his own dribble, but ready to walk another day.
Next morning, when he awoke, Pinocchio looked in the manger for more hay, but it was all gone.
The next morning, he walked back to the market with bare feet, but the shoes that he had chosen the day before had been sold.
The next morning, when he opened his mouth to say "Good morning", nothing came out but a croak.
Scarcely any thing was talked of the whole day, or next morning, but their visit to Rosings.
Yesterday morning, I turned in my resignation from my day job (I work with U.S. military veterans for the Guam Legislature). OK, it doesn’t actually take effect until the end of next week, but still.
He observed that, at night, a plant's leaves drooped next to the sides of the stem but in the morning they rose as if to worship the sun.
Next morning he asked her for the keys, which she gave him, but with such a trembling hand that he easily guessed what had happened.
But next morning Private Akiyoshi Hasamoto and some of his friends marched, hands up, to the U.S. lines and surrendered.
When he returned the next morning, he expected to find the usual yellow stone--a crude artificial diamond of some use to industry, perhaps, but not the stuff of dreams.
The next morning, exhausted from sleeping on an airport floor, collapsed in our tent, my brother and I went to sleep but my cousin just kept on reading.
The next morning it was clear that Daniel had a hangover but as he grinned up at me from his prone position on the couch there was no awkwardness or regret between us.
When I came home the next morning, my ex went crazy, but for the first time, it didn't bother me, because I knew what I was going to do.
Nobody talked about it the next morning. But later, I could not find all my little nephews in East Palace.
But the ability to control my body came back quickly in the following hours. By 7 o 'clock the next morning, not only could I stand up from my bed, but I could take a shower and shave.
The whole party were in hopes of a letter from Mr. Bennet the next morning, but the post came in without bringing a single line from him.
I'm not sure, but I think the final exam is on the morning of next Monday.
But overnight they recharged or reinflated themselves and droned and hissed away the next morning just as they had twenty-four hours before.
But when I'd wake up in the morning, there'd be this paper bird, an origami crane, sitting next to my bed.
I remember waking up the next morning feeling very fragile but on some level I felt like a load had been lifted off of my shoulders.
I remember waking up the next morning feeling very fragile but on some level I felt like a load had been lifted off of my shoulders.