I wish I could say another time would be okay, but you know how it is, everybody's already got commitments for the whole semester.
The fire had been smothered, and had smouldered for a time, but she saw all plainly now; it had but made headway, and now it had burst forth afresh, and had inflamed her whole being.
Disappointingly, the whole place was much like here, but with no sense of time and with everything "strung out further" in the thinner atmosphere.
But today's findings throw open a whole new area of research after proving that the possibility of life was over a longer period of time.
I'm not sure I buy the "cost of time" part, but I agree that the whole "dinner and a movie" routine can get pricey pretty quickly.
And she's gone on the whole time about how she ought to wear spectacles; she knew she needed them; But that it was no good getting any; they'd be sure to break and they'd never keep on.
Notice it's going much faster now, — but the time — — that's the whole thing — should be very close to that number again.
Checking is easy but expensive (you have to make an extra call to SimpleDB, which is slow since it's a whole HTTP round trip plus the processing time on Amazon's side).
But it is indeed because he loves them with the same passion and each time with his whole self that he must repeat his gift and his profound quest.
Invest time to make sure that you not only recognize variations as a whole but also identify the subset of variations that really matter.
I sat there in the dirt, by that big old tree, for the longest time trying to fit all the butterfly pieces back together so I could bury them whole, but it was too hard to do.
Now the monastery is being reconstructed. Slowly, but still, at some time it will be welcoming people from the whole Russian land.
I stuttered the whole time, but he was so sweet and just kept talking and making me feel better.
But reading faster isn't the whole picture. If you want to get more information with less time, you can't just pick up the pace.
For this is not the first time the company has picked up a discredited idea and created not just a successful product, but a whole new industry.
Is anyone adept at scanning the whole code base, looking for pervasive issues or opportunities? Are less expensive tweaks and hacks preferable over doing it right (but expensively) the first time?
She did not read simply to kill time, but the Bengali books which she read filled her whole mind.
It need only be worn at night, but can be worn the whole time for convenience.
The time will come when I will punish Eli’s whole entire family for their disrespect they have shown me. I warned Eli about it but he didn’t stop his sons from not honouring me.
You can’t save the whole world single-handedly, and we can’t all be aGandhi or a Mandela, but you can certainly make a difference one personat a time.
But this time the capital did not suffer more than elsewhere; if anything the downturn hit London a bit less than it did the country as a whole.
Ma has reportedly been interested in buying back that stake for some time, but earlier this month he admitted for the first time that he wants to buy the whole company if it's for sale.
The only problem is that it rains a lot between December and March, but I'd take rain over icy-cold weather any time, especially since I've lived in Sweden for pretty much my whole life.
It is good to have impact, but one must remember the whole idea behind the Web was to make information accessible to anyone who wanted it at any time.
If 10 people fail, maybe you have lost their time and a couple million dollars, but if a space shuttle blows up and the whole thing is a disaster, you have lost a trillion dollars.
Curl is good at getting the response time for a single element, but sometimes you need to see how fast the whole page loads.
There is of course the greater awakening that is affecting the Human Race as a whole, but the energies being beamed to Earth take time to lift people up.
Spu_rlmaskqw operates on the whole quadword at a time, but only up to 7 bits (it performs a modulus on count to put it in the proper range).
These are things that would have gone unnoticed because we were so wrapped up in the moment, but it feels like a whole new day every time we step into the virtual environment.
These are things that would have gone unnoticed because we were so wrapped up in the moment, but it feels like a whole new day every time we step into the virtual environment.