At the front of the pelvis is the psoas and at the back, the glutei or buttock muscles.
Objective to explore the countermeasures for newborn red buttock early warning and nursing.
The buttock muscles extend the thigh bone of the back leg. The back foot is fixed on the mat.
Then exhale and twist your torso to the right, keeping the left buttock on or very close to the floor.
Tuck your left hand under your right knee and bring your right hand to the floor just beside your right buttock.
It summarized the causes, prevention and nursing measures of infant red buttock on the basis of Traditional Chinese Medical Theory.
What are your standards of beautiful buttock? Quite become warped, fruity, strong, have flexibility. So how can have? Quick to learn!
Conclusion:Trigger points of lumbar and breech muscles with referred pains of buttock and leg are very effective and easy to be applied.
Objective To investigate the effect of raising buttock on the bowel movement of patients who received laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct.
Method The risk of red buttock was predicted according to the early warning report of red buttock risks and pre-warning stratified intervention of nursing was conducted.
Methods: the temperature of 42 neonates in the incubators was measured at their axillar, back, waist, buttock and rectum at the same time, then the results were compared.
The buttock of corpses were dissected from the superficial to the deep by the anatomic instrument, separating the nerves, blood vessels of drilling through the piriformis' upper and lower hole.
The buttock of corpses were dissected from the superficial to the deep by the anatomic instrument, separating the nerves, blood vessels of drilling through the piriformis' upper and lower hole.