Rents rose more slowly than prices for many years, as the popularity of buy-to-let increased supply.
Cairo is not only the cheapest for buyers, but it may even be a good prospect for buy-to-let investors.
The majority of interest came from current owners looking to move house, while buy-to-let investors were also beginning to look at properties.
HSBC's annual survey found that the city of Manchester was Britain's buy-to-let hotspot. This was followed by Kingston-upon-Hull and Blackpool.
But if your local area is not ideal for buy-to-let, you might wish to look to those towns and cities that generally produce the best income for landlords.
It is more vulnerable to the housing downturn than many lenders, because of outsized exposures to specialist segments of the market such as buy-to-let and self-certification markets.
They asked her to let them send some of their shillings to buy things.
If the consumer wants to buy a book in an electronic format now, you should let the consumer have it.
And as for wedding clothes, do not let them wait for that, but tell Lydia she shall have as much money as she chuses to buy them, after they are married.
But first, let me clarify: all of these things are actually quite easy to buy, provided you have the money handy and don't mind paying more than you need to.
You're more likely to get a bigger buy in when you let people choose where they will help you as opposed to strict delegation.
Kanchi was just about to go and get some rice from Gopal Bhakta, the shopkeeper who knew her well and let her buy food on credit, when her son arrived, carrying a polythene bag with oranges.
That is, the best investors don't let emotions — positive or negative — color their decision to buy, sell, or hold.
The carrier will also let passengers peruse other websites and still be able to buy tickets by clicking on a Delta banner AD.
Rather than selling any of its holdings, China appears to have let the bills mature and then used some of the proceeds to buy longer-dated coupons, analysts say.
Florida has used a federal waiver to set up a voucher-like scheme to let the poor buy private insurance.
Try to take some soup now, and let Sudie go and buy port wine for her sick child.
My wife was going to spend 40,000 yuan of her savings on it. But I would have been ashamed to let my wife buy her own diamond ring.
My wife was going to spend 40, 000 yuan of her savings on it. But I would have been ashamed to let my wife buy her own diamond ring.
I'm going to buy all the Burlington the bucket shop will let me carry with the money I give him for margin, "he said."
Those tools will let you search for flights, compare flight options and prices and all that type of stuff, and very quickly get you to a site where you can then buy your ticket.
"I'm going to buy all the Burlington thebucket shop will let me carry with the money I give him for margin," hesaid.
There were many things Matt's wife wanted to buy, but he would not let her spend any money.
Money can't buy you love, but it can let you rent a girlfriend to take home for Chinese New Year.
The website taps into the inventory systems of more than 50,000 stores, including Best Buy , Crate & Barrel, and Home Depot, to let customers know where an item they're searching for is in stock.
网站利用从包括百思买(Best Buy)、Crate&Barrel和家得宝(Home Depot)等在内的5万多家商店库存系统的数据,通过该网站顾客可以知道他们正在查找的商品在哪里有存货。
The website taps into the inventory systems of more than 50,000 stores, including Best Buy , Crate & Barrel, and Home Depot, to let customers know where an item they're searching for is in stock.
网站利用从包括百思买(Best Buy)、Crate&Barrel和家得宝(Home Depot)等在内的5万多家商店库存系统的数据,通过该网站顾客可以知道他们正在查找的商品在哪里有存货。