As a linguist once said, "You can get people to think it's nonsense at the same time that you buy into it."
As a linguist once said, "You can get people to think it's nonsense at the same time that you buy into it. “
Unlike many past Fed leaders, Yellen is not one to buy into the finance industry's argument that it should be left alone to regulate itself.
Passerini said that getting P&G employees to buy into the digital revolution hasn't been a problem.
Yes, if you don't want to buy into the Apple cult, this is your tablet.
You may be full of great ideas, but exactly how do you get people to buy into them?
If you opt to wait, you are cut off from 3g data until you buy into a new plan.
It shows that you do not buy into the myths and stereotypes about being single.
In 2004, then Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra actually tried to buy into Liverpool.
You only need to buy into the concept of task activation to start working in a task-focused way.
There's a European outfit we can buy into for the initial toehold?--Holdings (Holdings) Incorporated.
NEARY: Yeah. You almost give the feeling that you would be a bad parent if you didn't buy into...
The image gives the reader something to aspire to, so they buy into our message on an emotional level.
"If you buy into me musically, you will also buy into the clothing and the lifestyle," he explains.
“If you buy into me musically, you will also buy into the clothing and the lifestyle, ” he explains.
Investors keen to buy into markets where prices have already risen are not deterred by a small levy.
Far too many of us buy into the myth that one hour less of sleep allows us one more of productivity.
And today, to what extent do you think women still buy into the because you're worth it from celebrities?
To some extent we can't avoid being influenced by culture, but we don't have to buy into the messaging.
Managers who buy into this idea become very protective of the tight and knowledgeable team they manage.
Don't buy into the next best thing. Put your time and energy into your family, neighborhood and community.
When someone lies and looks for you to buy into the information they usually want you to agree on the spot.
Goldman agreed to buy into the Shanghai-listed glass company last November when it was trading at about Rmb8 per share.
When we talk about the changing world of music, a lot of people buy into the illusion that the Internet drove the change.
If you buy into the idea that that (look) is perfect then you'll never feel good about yourself because you'll never attain it.
The dilution, combined with the banks continuing problems, led some analysts to say there was little reason to buy into UBS now.
You don't have to buy into the premises of the mediaeval Parisian clerics to agree with their conclusion and admire the result.
Sound off below and let us know whether you buy into this future of music and art, or whether this AI composer just doesn't wash.
Sound off below and let us know whether you buy into this future of music and art, or whether this AI composer just doesn't wash.