If you buy into the idea that that (look) is perfect then you'll never feel good about yourself because you'll never attain it.
You buy yourself a 5 kayak and a long rake, and then you jump over a fence into your neighbor's yard and you get in their pool and, suddenly, you're on the canals of Venice.
Buy the bigger package of snacks and repackage them into smaller bags yourself.
Putting yourself into debt to buy someone a gift is no one's idea of fun.
When you succumb to your fears and allow yourself to buy into them, then you must cycle through them and experience all you feel so that you can overcome them.
There is family to get along with, gifts to buy and return, people to visit, activities to throw yourself into, plenty of festive food to eat, sales to rush to, and parties to plan and attend.
There is family to get along with, gifts to buy and return, people to visit, activities to throw yourself into, plenty of festive food to eat, sales to rush to, and parties to plan and attend.