He said Starbucks' current price rise of 8 to 10 percent will not change buying behavior among Chinese customers as they don't have many options in the coffee market, which is dominated by Starbucks.
A market in which selling and buying can be accomplished with minimal price change.
Herd instinct — some investors buy shares when they see hectic buying in the market by other investors i. e. chasing the price of the stock up.
Greenmail is the practice of buying larger share of a company's stock to threaten a hostile takeover and reselling it to the company at a price above market value.
Some investors buy shares when they see hectic buying in the market by other investors, i. e. chasing the price of the stock up.
The secondary market gives a continuing opportunity for buying and selling and price discovery, and provides the liquidity that allows the primary market to function.
The secondary market gives a continuing opportunity for buying and selling and price discovery, and provides the liquidity that allows the primary market to function.