In order to prevent such tragedy from happening again, we students should avoid buying food from the stores or stalls out of the school.
A common trap in buying package software is to misunderstand exactly how long it will take to morph it into your business process; most companies misjudge this by an order of magnitude.
The carmakers want to tailor each vehicle to a customer's order, so they are buying robots that can recognise different models and adapt accordingly.
By placing a firm order, an airline is committing to a buying and price schedule that stretches for years.
It suggested cancelling the STOVL version of the F-35 and cutting the rest of its order by half, while buying cheaper F-16s and F-18s to keep numbers up.
Soon after, the ECB reiterated that it would not be backing the fund and that it would be transferring bond buying duties to the EFSF in short order.
Other techniques employed include buying securities in weak markets and selling into strength in order to further limit transaction costs.
The ProcessPurchaseOrder communicates the line items that the customer is interested in buying from the supplier to the Order Management system within the supplier's enterprise.
ProcessPurchaseOrder将客户有兴趣从供应商购买的系列产品传递给供应商企业中的订单管理(Order Management)系统。
When you order a PC in this fashion, you are technically buying a Vista machine, and Microsoft counts it as a Vista sale.
You don't need to do a great deal in order to be happier - instead of buying a new car, you can be satisfied with the one you have.
Welcome to the latest mainland trend: getting divorced, or appearing to, in order to save money on buying a second or third home.
As he began his U.S. job hunt, Morales considered buying a car in order to be able to go after the best available job.
Buying on impulse and getting rid of possessions no longer sufficiently attractive in order to put more attractive ones in their place are our most enthusing emotions.
I'm not recommending that we buy less quality foods for the sake of cutting costs. I won't recommend buying conventional over organic in order to save money.
There are different policies for different purposes of buying a house in order to improve the real estate market effectively.
One is market-making, in which Banks accumulate large inventories of securities in order to facilitate buying and selling on the part of their clients.
其中之一是市场作价(market - making),银行积累大量证券存货,以帮助他们的客户买入或卖出。
A hedge fund could float a story that Apple is thinking of buying Saturn in order to develop a new brand of Apple cars and people would go nuts ...
Many people are also buying more fresh vegetables and eating them raw or cooked quickly in very little water in order to keep the vitamins.
Generally speaking, the non-volume-related activities consist of many supporting activities such as materials handling, set-ups, production scheduling, buying or selling order filling, and etc.
Therefore, we should all look at advertisements with a critical eye in order to avoid buying things that are not necessary.
The second group looked at states that did not share a border with Maryland, in order to avoid bias from people buying liquor in nearby states where the taxes were lower.
But by using a limit order you also protect yourself from buying the stock at too high a price.
Be frugal. Stop buying brand name clothes and fancy foods. Stop drinking lattes. Don't order takeout.
Schedule repairs and order upholstery cleaned, but put off buying new furniture or expensive items for yourself or your home while Mercury is out of phase.
With shoppers buying less, businesses have been reluctant to order new stock.
Do visitors really like this, or do they fake delight in order to be courteous? The truth is that the process of choosing, buying, and arranging gifts makes me so happy I don't honestly care.
Vietnam's central bank even had to order the country's commercial Banks late last month to resume buying dollars within the tight range of exchange rates set by the government.
Please arrange the factors that affect your buying decision on instant noodles in descending order.
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CHOUPON aims at providing highly demanding customers an easy way to leverage their buying power in order to explore everything exciting cities in China have to offer.