The OIE adopt standards, guidelines and recommendations by a simple majority of votes cast.
Their resolution to change the rules, put forward earlier this month, could, they contend, be approved by a simple majority vote.
These initiatives (also called "propositions" in some states) are subject to approval, by a simple majority in most, but not all cases.
In foiling the Republican scheme, Mr Reid, by a simple majority vote, established a precedent that will make it harder to attempt such ruses in the future.
If jurors cannot reach a unanimous verdict on their first vote, they must hear the views of the presiding judge, after which they may decide by simple majority.
Each decision shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a simple majority of the committee members supporting.
That was enough: after three days of voting in which no candidate won a two-thirds majority, Mr Mattarella was elected on the fourth round, which required a simple majority, by 665 votes out of 1,009.
That was enough: after three days of voting in which no candidate won a two-thirds majority, Mr Mattarella was elected on the fourth round, which required a simple majority, by 665 votes out of 1,009.