An understanding of contemporary architecture is proposed for the building which is supported by all means of technological infrastructure.
"By all means, reach out to your social network, but as you cast a wide net looking for job prospects, be conscious of every email you send," Fay suggests.
Fay 建议:“用一切方法接触你的社交网络,但是,在你广撒网找工作机会的时候,也要注意你发出的每封邮件。”
All the means used by centuries of civilization in subduing wild beasts failed in this case.
Even though the price charged by Fly-Away is considerably lower, our best means of saving money is to return to Buzzoff for all our pest control services.
虽然 Fly-Away收取的价格低了不少,但我们省钱的最好方法还是回到 Buzzoff,进行所有的害虫防治服务。
By all means, keep it alive as a discussion point whenever appropriate throughout the life of your community.
I reasoned that the sole attempt of trying to avoid any kind of failure by any means would lead to the irrevocable mistake of not trying at all, which isn't a promising option.
All these needs can be addressed by other means, usually more expensive than the RAID configuration of several hard disks.
By no means all of these hopeful new wine producers have the networks in place for selling their wines.
XInclude provides means by which XML documents can include all or parts of other XML documents and textual resources.
At a programming level, notice that all these logins happen to be by means of passphrase-based SSH to the same host, with identical user and password credentials.
If, at the end of these two weeks, you like how you're feeling, by all means go ahead and repeat the program.
Any certificate signed by one of the default commercial CAs would be accepted; for all practical purposes, this means that anyone can connect.
All of the patterns used by these functions are just strings, which means that any of them can be stored in a table within your database.
This means that all the private members of the class element are dumped first, followed by protected and public, respectively.
So, by the same logic, that means that all of our positively charged ions are, in fact, going to be smaller in terms of radius, compared to their neutral parents.
By all means weigh up the pro's and con's so that you can get an understanding of what's behind a choice.
The poor, especially in tropical climes, will be hardest hit by all this, since they have little means of adapting to such changes.
It is on Mr Bernanke's shoulders that investors believe some of the responsibility for the recent bout of market instability lies-though not all of it, by any means.
There are no means by which the wages of all those eager to sell their labor can be raised other than by accelerating the increase of capital as compared with population.
It then parses the content submitted by the user, extracting all the URLs found within the body by means of a simple regular expression.
But thetransfer of finance and expertise is by no means all in one direction.
Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later released a statement telling all Americans considering a vacation in the Congo that if getting beheaded is their idea of a fun time, then by all means.
George Bush has repeatedly said that "all options" remain on his table, by which he means the use of military force.
If you're a fan of raiding with cloaked units, by all means buy any upgrade that enhances cloaking ability (energy boost, etc).
As the above takes place before the OS has been loaded, it means that all of the disk reading must take place by way of BIOS calls.
As the above takes place before the OS has been loaded, it means that all of the disk reading must take place by way of BIOS calls.