Striving, work ethic is largely shaped even by birth order?
She's always lived in England but she's German by birth.
The one is what the person does, and the other is the action gained by birth.
Adequate perinatal care can reduce new cases of epilepsy caused by birth injury.
By birth he was an Englishman; by profession, a sailor; by instinct and training, a rebel.
There were always those who dismissed him with a sneer , saying he wasn't British by birth.
Citizen: a person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation.
Hypothyroidism itself is caused by birth abnormalities, autoimmune diseases or surgery involving the removal of the thyroid.
A new born baby is by birth a sweeper because the baby is born into sweeper family and must carry on the family tradition.
It is not by birth or adoption that I consider this man to be my father; it isn't even through his presence in my childhood.
'Lifetime disease risk is affected by birth month,' the researchers wrote in in the Journal of American Medical Informatics Association.
By birth and by education Thomas Jefferson belonged to the highest social class, but he never looked down upon the working-class people.
The nation where I live began as a notion that people should not have their lives determined by birth, but rather by their talents and efforts.
No, for the sake of a little flesh we deprive them of sun, of light, of the duration of life to which they are entitled by birth and being.
If you aren't naturally fluent by birth or environment, consider intensive language courses offered by a foreign-language training institute.
News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch, an Australian by birth, acquired U.S. citizenship to be eligible for media ownership in the United States.
News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch, an Australian by birth, acquired U. s. citizenship to be eligible for media ownership in the United States.
This means that you must be able to provide documents to the employer proving your eligibility for employment, even if you're a us citizen by birth.
Society may subsist between those who ale our inferiors by birth or by personal qualities, but those who have these advantages should not abuse them.
This means that you must be able to provide documents to the employer proving your eligibility for employment, even if you're a U-S citizen by birth.
In theory, the executive undertakes a mission of protecting national and social public interests and creating more wealth for all the people by birth.
Society double A-lister, Kate Goldsmith—a Rothschild by birth married to supersmart entrepreneur Ben Goldsmith—is carrying the banner in London society.
社交名流卡特金史密斯就是伦敦圈内扛大旗的人物。 她是罗斯柴尔德家族的一员,嫁给了一位绝顶聪明的企业家:本金史密斯。
Most of the people aboard the Carthage were Tunisian by birth and European by residency but, aboard the ship, perhaps something else, if momentarily: Mediterranean.
Mostly gray at 56, Barzilai, Israeli by birth, is a puffball of excitability: twinkling, gesturing, capable of persuading anyone to do anything. Well, almost anyone.
Under the birth control of Margaret Sanger's propagate and the New culture movement's influence, a trend of women liberation was formed characterized by birth control.
Cost of the examination cost that female worker bears deliver a child operation expenses hospitalization expenses and expenses for medicine pay by birth insurance fund.
Cost of the examination cost that female worker bears deliver a child operation expenses hospitalization expenses and expenses for medicine pay by birth insurance fund.