Excessive sympathetic drive is by far the most common cause of sinus tachycardia.
Internet browsing is by far the most common use for the iPad Photo: Imano digital.
Although in theory any adjective can be put before fish, cold is by far the most common one.
APS-C is by far the most common format, used in virtually all Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony DLSR models.
APS - C则是使用较为普遍的制式,在佳能、尼康、宾得以及索尼等单反上均有采用。
Benign neurofibromas are by far the most common tumor involving the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in NF1 patients.
NF 1患者胃肠道最常见的肿瘤是良性神经纤维瘤。
Mr Phipps has identified four positions and says the foetal - most favoured by worriers - is by far the most common.
China has been by far the most common target of antidumping cases this year, and India the biggest user of antidumping duties.
But by far the most common reason seems to be that black women still regard intermarriage as tantamount to betraying the race.
In my experience working with users of XML, the first question is by far the most common. In some cases the answer is pretty unambiguous.
Iteration is by far the most common use of closures within Ruby, but this scenario is broader than using a collection's built-in closures.
Wolves are the largest members of the dog family. Adaptable gray wolves are by far the most common and were once found all over the Northern Hemisphere.
In trunk-piston engines, a horizontal pin within the piston is encircled by the upper end of the connecting rod. This by far the most common construction.
Red dwarf stars, which are by far the most common stars in our galaxy, were once considered unlikely places to find Earth-like planets, but new studies contradict that view.
Verneuil synthetic corundum is by far the most common in the market. Thus it is vital that gemologists are familiar with the key identifying features - curved growth lines and gas bubbles.
Finally, while the asynchronous request-response model would be by far the most common approach to take with an ESB implementation, most ESB implementations support a broad variety of service styles.
The most common by far is E10, a blend of petrol containing up to 10% ethanol.
By far, the most common extension is.xml, but numerous others are used for specific subsets of XML, as Table 1 shows.
In America, two ethanol-blends of fuel have been approved for use. The most common by far is E10, a blend of petrol containing up to 10% ethanol.
The most common vector format by far is the ESRI Shapefile (see Resources), which stores only a single shape type; each file can contain only points or only polygons or only lines.
The most common, by far, is infestation of the small intestine by certain bacteria, such as cholera or certain strains of E. coli, following ingestion of contaminated water or food.
In 1960, only 15 percent of grades were in the "a" range, but now the rate is 43 percent, making "a" the most common grade by far.
There are two types of dialog boxes: modal and modeless. Modal dialogs boxes are, by far, the most common variety.
This is by far one of the most common types of heart disease and it is one of the biggest killers within America.
Carbon sequestration in oil and gas fields will most likely proceed side by side with storage in ordinary brine formations, because the latter structures are far more common.
The common emitter configuration is by far the most versatile and widely used.
The common emitter configuration is by far the most versatile and widely used.