I think this house was built more by guess and by God than anything else. There's hardly a step on the staircase that's the same height as another.
The hoplite has two weapons, of which the most important by far is a pike, I guess, is what we would call it.
"I'm afraid I have to take the exam later," The student pulled up his trouser legs and said, "My dear teacher, can you guess my name by my legs?"
I sent them in about a week ago, but I haven't heard anything back yet, so I thought I'd stop by and see, but I guess you haven't looked at them yet .
At the beginning of the semester we were swamped with applications, but I guess everyone who wants a job has one by now.
I guess I should look into the food-prep, then, I'll tell the kitchen manager that you will stop by tomorrow to talk about the job and schedule your hours.
The famous scientist Alexander Fleming said, "When I woke up just after daybreak on 28th September 1928, I certainly didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world's first antibiotic. But I guess that was exactly what I did."
And they asked the subjects to guess, by pointing to the board with their other hand, where their hidden knuckles and fingertips lay.
A good example is to make it extremely difficult to guess process identifiers by randomly allocating Numbers from a reasonable large random number pool.
Yet this question is by no means a joke, and the answer to it is by no means a guess; on the contrary, both are real scientific results.
I guess because the Blegburn Dickshonary is cited in several places by the OED it reflects a sense of humor there too.
Afterwards, the test taker should guess the answers to unanswered questions by choosing positions that have been selected least frequently throughout the exam.
By comparing photos of rotting fish to fossils, researchers can guess what the extinct creature looked like.
You can probably guess by now what the interface will look like in the implicit header case.
To determine the correct country for each page for organic search is no more than a good guess by the search engines.
Though it's my guess that she'll be enchanted both by Suu Kyi and Yangon – a good deal more so than the sterile meeting rooms of Naypyitaw.
This can be done by concentrating on the rest of the sentence and try to guess the meaning.
But the department makes a best guess by counting roadkill.
I guess she and her mother, by the end of the thing, are now on good terms.
Otherwise, I'm going to get a new guess by taking g, x over g, adding them, 2 and dividing by two.
She thinks Catherine haughty, and does not like her, I can guess by her talk.
In the chapter, I guess most of you have forgotten by now because you read it in the Pursuit of Love, at the end somewhere.
Using an unpredictable or unique file name doesn't work by itself because an attacker can repeatedly guess until success.
Scientists had volunteers place one hand, palm down, under a board.And they asked the subjects to guess, by pointing to the board with their other hand, where their hidden knuckles and fingertips lay.
The words spoken by women were harder to guess because they used language more carefully, said the professor.
How could you be expected to guess what that tiny metal box does by looking at it?
And a good guess is that that vapor pressure here, it's pretty close to the pressure that you would guess by using this diagram with the pure water. But the key word is, it's pretty close.
By 2015, assuming that modest economic growth resumes, a reasonable guess is that Britain will need around 64gw to cope with similar conditions.
By 2015, assuming that modest economic growth resumes, a reasonable guess is that Britain will need around 64gw to cope with similar conditions.