By his smile, I knew that sullen hall; by his dead smile, I knew we stood in hell.
He accused Ford of being hell-bent on achieving its cuts by whatever means.
They are made much worse by our willful blindness to risk as much as our reluctance to work together before everything goes to hell.
Here is the story, in brief. A lonely pilgrim—it is Dante himself—strays into a dark wood, and is guided by the Roman poet Virgil down into Hell to contemplate the harrowing fate of the damned.
As Charles Baudelaire once said, we descend into hell by tiny steps.
Just watch out for the calories - as delicious as this mix is, it was clearly designed by Satan himself to get us all to hell faster.
She claimed that her children "were doomed to perish in the fires of hell" and was eventually found not guilty by reason of insanity.
Pockmarked with sulphurous pits, bathed in intense radiation and shaken by constant volcanic eruptions, Io is the fiery hell of the solar system.
满布着硫磺坑洞,沐浴在经久不息的火山爆发带来的强烈辐射中,震动不断。 伊奥(Io,土卫一)是太阳系中炽热的地狱。
We have all heard sayings similar to this, hell, it is even one of the rules Blizzard makes its games by.
And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
Heaven, according to this view, would be a special kind of Hell, a land filled with the souls of smiling, slumbering idiots intoxicated by unending love, understanding and pleasant company.
That is useful, but not startlingly different from the sort of call-centre hell familiar to anyone who has tried to get information out of a large company by telephone.
You don't discover the cause of something like AIDS by dealing with incredibly obscure things. You just look at what the hell is going on.
Four months ago Elder spoke about what he called the "unimaginable hell" suffered by Tamil children caught in the conflict.
You're in a profession in which you and your colleagues celebrate graduation by putting on the same silly hats and robes that were worn a thousand years ago. What the hell did you expect?
Now he faces the opposition from hell: a reckless, populist Republican Party whose moderate voices have been silenced by ideologues and which has made throwing him out of office its foremost priority.
All hell broke loose, the police came into a by-now crowded ring to try and restore order and like a ripple effect the bedlam moved to the hotel lobby and then the streets outside.
Some day I'd scare hell out of Tom and Lise by going home and showing them what their daddy looked like.
Leading the dive is one winged shape three times the size of the others. A GREAT LEONOPTERYX, a demon straight from Hell, blazing with scarlet, yellow and black stripes backlit by the morning sun.
领头那只的翅膀是其他斑溪的三倍大.一只大LEONOPTERYX 一个直接从地狱而来恶魔 身上红、黄、黑相间的条纹在朝阳里分外炫目.它的背上与之神经相连并驾驭着它的是杰克.
The murky air of Hell, which had been due to inspissated rays of nothingness, cleared as if by magic.
I know that I should not judge anyone by his appearance, but frankly his photo scared the hell out of me.
However, I simply cannot imagine that many people are happy to talk about it and I certainly wouldn't put my family through hell by being the first to go public.
So next time you are ordering coffee, give the person taking your order a very hard time by cracking some random joke and teasing the hell out of them.
He became a corrupt shadow of his former self - a fallen angel trusted neither by Heaven nor Hell.
There was a sense that the city was descending into a Hobbesian hell-although that impression was fed by misinformation, much of it spread by the police themselves.
There was a sense that the city was descending into a Hobbesian hell-although that impression was fed by misinformation, much of it spread by the police themselves.