Before you can complete the task, you need to query out it by the order number.
Orders are then prioritized, first by pending revenue, and then by the order date.
The spokesman had no response to questions about the scope of assets covered by the order.
Switching the state by the order code, the system can be in the state of beacon or response.
This is implemented by defining conditions on the transitions caused by the order operation.
Listing 2 shows the code snippet to filter the task by the order number using the Human task Manager.
清单2显示了使用HumanTask Manager通过订单号过滤任务的代码片段。
Finally, Part 3 will examine the various integration techniques that are used by the Order Handling process.
The actual precedence of the logical operators is given by the order these operators are presented in Table 2.
One inherited by the order of succession, no one sequence heirs, successors from the second order of succession.
Small tour guide, I am here now, I lead you to visit, I hope you abide by the order, don't crowded, photography is prohibited.
For example, in the current scenario, the Tracking_ID being passed by the Order Details portlet should be displayed to the user.
He claimed that he could tell a person's stress level and psychological make-up by the order the color was chosen or paired with another color.
The three fixture put into use by the order in which they are divided into pneumatic, electrical and automatic opening and closing fixture.
If the outcome were affected by the order in which your rules are fired, then you would need to specify a different salience value for your rules.
The company is set to finish the production of the porcelain by the middle of January and its workers are pleased by the publicity generated by the order.
The company is set to finish the production of the porcelain by the middle of January and its workers are pleased by the publicity generated by the order.
This is an example service that accepts, cancels, and gets the status of a customer order, represented by the order schema developed in Part One of this series.
Continuous business process improvement — a SOA allows a clear representation of process flows identified by the order of the components used in a particular business service.
Even if we had another, similar low, he says, it would probably only cause temperatures on Earth to drop by the order of a tenth of a degree Celsius - peanuts compared to recent hikes.
By now, in our time, however, the power of religion has faded, and for many, the basis of modern political and moral order has been demolished.
The steady deterioration of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing.
The commonly expected order of military revival followed by economic and then by cultural recovery was reversed in Byzantium.
The commission telegraphed its decision earlier this month by telling an official to prepare the order.
The engine is gulping two tons of fuel an hour in order to make New Orleans by nightfall.
All the other ingredients, including water, have to be listed in descending order by weight.
U.S. forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given by the president.
Payments must be made in U.S. dollars by a bank draft drawn to the order of the United Nations Postal Administration.
Motorists would rather pay more tax than lose the place in the corporate pecking order conferred on them by their company cars.
It is probable that the notes you make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member.
It is probable that the notes you make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member.