Drivers routinely collide with deer and there are so many dead bodies left by the side of the road that the town has made it a deal with a local pet cemetery to collect and dispose of the bodies.
It was common along major interstate highways to see individuals (mostly male) standing by the side of the entrance ramp with a cardboard.
I want to remain here, side by side with my family, friends, and all the victims of the disaster.
You'll know it's recording by a small message popping upon the left side of the screen with the red record button.
From across the road, one of the other pullers, a young one, drove up side by side with Chenayya.
With words like "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side," it's a popular choice for wedding dances.
It is a building which now houses the HIV, TB and Malaria staff of WHO, side by side with the UNAIDS team.
It was common along major interstate highways to see individuals (mostly male) standing by the side of the entrance ramp with a cardboard sign on which their destination would be hand-written.
By default, most products and environments tend to err on the conservative side with a relatively small set of diagnostics enabled at all times.
As previously mentioned, the other major way women neck-pacify is by covering their suprasternal notch with their hand or lightly on the side of the neck.
Allow a speedy verification of the translation by displaying the content of the translated file side by side with its corresponding original language file.
Camus and his wife lie side by side in the village cemetery, with no pride of place, just their names and dates inscribed on simple stones.
With this method, comparing two metrics side by side is simply a matter of selecting the desired ranges.
That's why you need to start any leadership initiative with your "high-level friends" firmly by your side, convinced of the merits of your character and policies. But that's not enough.
Hamas "honours" all previous agreements of the Palestine Liberation Organisation [with Israel], which include recognition, provided the other side abides by all its reciprocal promises.
As I went along the deeply shaded lane, with its close thorny seora hedges, by the side of the tank covered with green water weeds, I rapturously took in picture after picture.
当我走在浓荫的小巷子里,两旁是些密密的、带刺的“塞欧拉”树篱,巷子旁边有个长满绿色水草的水池。 我狂喜地把一幅又一幅的图画尽收眼底。
All attributes in alphabetical order, preceded by a single space, with no space on either side of the equals sign, and double quotes around the attribute value.
By the Indian's side, and evidently sustaining a companionship with him, stood a white man, clad in a strange disarray of civilised and savage costume.
The finding fits with the right side of the body being controlled by the left side of the brain - the part we use when we're cross.
Eventually he answered an AD for a community organiser in Chicago, working with those on the south side of the city laid off by the shuttering of the steel industry.
At the ridiculous high end of the scale, however, is getting your cycling calories by piling up your plate with asparagus that has been flown by air from the other side of the world.
Carbon monoxide has a simple but distinctive outermost orbital structure with two side-by-side lobes sticking out from the end of the tip, one with a positive phase and the other a negative phase.
However, by using an oily liquid and an aqueous one, and by covering one side of the channel with a substance that repels water and the other side with one that attracts water, this can be avoided.
They got her over her fear of walking through doors by stationing someone she knew on the other side to reward her with pats and play.
Our father came out into the dining hall decked splendidly in his golden robes and red silk stockings, with Morrani by his side of course, attired just as fashionably.
Nowadays, you still see people with cardboard signs by the side of the road, and they are still asking for something, but more often money or work rather than a ride somewhere.
Centres of research excellence will be side-by-side with major companies who will develop the commercial applications.
And that very evening, Marius found himself installed in a chamber of the hotel DE la Porte-Saint-Jacques side by side with Courfeyrac.
And that very evening, Marius found himself installed in a chamber of the hotel DE la Porte-Saint-Jacques side by side with Courfeyrac.