The first case was detected as early as January. In the following weeks, the number of cases reached over 10,000 by the time of the lockdown.
By the time of Columbus, maize had already become the staff of life in the New World.
By the time of the Apollo program, the quality and variety of food increased even further.
HP said it was not able to comment by the time of going to press. AQSIQ declined to comment.
By the time of her adoption, the dog was weak, malnourished, diseased, and caninically illiterate.
There is almost no chance that Afghanistan will be transformed by the time of Mr Obama's deadline.
Cons: Lacks latest Linux technologies; by the time of release, most software packages are outdated.
They had brought some sugar with them on the Mayflower but by the time of the feast, the supply had dwindled.
By the time of the Bear Stearns collapse in March, that spread had more than quintupled to 342.5 points.
By the time of Downey and Fecteau's involvement in the Third Force program, its record was short and inauspicious.
By the time of Augustus, the so-called Alexandrian calendar had even incorporated an additional day for leap years.
By the time of his death in 1227, he had created an empire that stretched from the Pacific coast to the Caspian Sea.
The man's word-blindness degenerated to a complete aphasia of both speech and writing by the time of his death four years later.
Socrates's famous aphorism "the unexamined life is not worth living" was, by the time of his trial, clearly beginning to jar.
By the time of the Iraq war, the belief in the transformational USES of power had prevailed over the doubts about social engineering.
Some versions of the ls tool have the -c option, which sorts by the time of file modification, showing the most recently modified files first.
有些版本的ls工具具有- c选项,它可以按照文件修改的时间进行排序,最先显示最后修改的文件。
By the time of his death in 1931, Edison had been described by a German historian, Emil Ludwig, as “the greatest living benefactor of mankind”.
By the time of that self-experiment, Barry, you were reasonably sure that you were right, and you'd been saying so in public for quite some time.
But, by the time of Tupac’s death in 1996, she was clean and the two had patched things up long enough for Tupac to write that she “was appreciated.”
Mr McKay said his legal bills and living expenses had already reached a few thousand, and would likely hit about $15, 000 by the time of his court date.
麦凯说,他的法律账目和生活花费已经达到几千了,到出庭那天,很有可能会达到15 000澳元。
By the time of the in-person interview, there's such a high probability that we're going to want to hire this person that it's time to launch into full-press recruitment.
In the Middle Ages France was split into numerous fiefdoms and kingdoms, most of which were incorporated into the royal domain by the time of Louis XI (reigned 1461-1483).
中世纪,法国被分成无数采邑和王国,路易十一世时(1461- 1483年在位)其中多数采邑和王国被合并为属于王室的领域。
But by the time of his death he had become convinced of the firm's culpability, and his dying wish was to make cigarette companies stop deceiving people about the risks of smoking.
This imperial fiscal plan will be implemented over a grand time-frame, the hope being that the economy will be booming, and unemployment shrinking, by the time of the next general election.
One survey of experts before the recession (conducted by Mitsui-Babcock, another power-station builder) found that three-quarters expected blackouts by the time of the London Olympics in 2012.
According to Kemmerling this separating wall was as high as the surrounding crater rim 70 years before his survey, but it had subsequently eroded down by the time of his visit (Kemmerling, 1929).
By the time he was sixteen, Malcolm already knew most of the city's teenage hangouts.
Increase the amount of time you spend exercising by walking between 15 and 20 minutes.
The law is caused by the relationship between our experience of time and the amount of information our minds process.
The law is caused by the relationship between our experience of time and the amount of information our minds process.