By this token, induction and subculture of embryonic calli should be related with cooperative effects among different hormones.
For this reason, applications should locate the specific token by the token label provided when the token is initialized and not assume that a specific slot always contains the desired token.
This provider will consume some token and deduct logon data consumable by an Authentication provider from it.
This point in the source file is usually marked by a lexeme that is not consumed as a token by the preprocessor, meaning one that is not a preprocessor directive.
This file name is then subsequently used as a claim token by the sample application to check out the attachment.
By the same token, improving this area increases the agility of the entire software development team.
The client domain gateway expects a request message with an LTPA token in a Web services security (WS-Security) header as generated by the configuration described in Part 4 of this series.
客户端域网关期望Web服务安全(WS 安全)标头中具有LTPA令牌的请求消息(该标头由本系列文章的 第 4部分描述的配置生成)。
The assumption is that this token is not consumable by any other IBM Cognos 8 authentication provider directly.
Storetype: This element identifies the type of storage that is used by the Claim check service when the token is used to check out the content of an attachment from storage.
In February 2009 they were asked to take a 7% pay cut, and offered only token resistance; this was followed by further reductions in December.
If it is successful (in this case, the PIN returned by Twitter), it will get an access token with which the client can update the Twitter status on the user's behalf.
The details of this interaction are handled by the Seam Remoting framework, so long as you provide the conversation token to send.
By the same token, if literature has effects, it must have effects on someone, and this gives rise to the equally interesting and vexing question, "What is a reader?"
This is used by a Web service for additional challenges to a requester to ensure message freshness and verification that the use of a security token is authorized.
By that same token one of the main goals with Diablo III is to flesh out Sanctuary, to make it feel more like you're in this living and breathing world.
This text based SiChuang SanTai bentonite, preparation of Chitosan loaded bentonite by carbon-entraining roasting sorbent and as to it' s carried on the token.
Note that the impersonation level obtained by the server when it impersonates the client token is not solely a function of this setting.
This protocol is based on current hardware foundation of Ethernet and solves access conflict through token-control by creating virtual token on application layer.
By researching on the theory of the signal sudden change token by wavelet, this paper provides the principle and algorithm of audio signal pitch extraction based on wavelet principle.
Please accept this small gift, a plaque made by us and signed by all of the campers, as a token of our friendship.
By the same token, we can not reveal any details about this idea at this point in time.
This class provides a reference counting mechanism for the add-in by obtaining a lifetime token to its contract.
A new analysis method is introduced on inclusions in steel in this paper, by the method of electrolysis of nonaqueous solution associated with RTO metal embeds cutting film micron-nano token method.
The default comment token, returned by this property, is "TODO" and cannot be changed.
By the same token, it also sees this event as the perfect opportunity for promoting its image following the 2011 earthquake, encouraging tourism and business opportunities.
同时, 日本也希望趁此次机会,拯救2011年日本地震后低迷的旅游及商业。
Each token in the path must represent a valid category id previously defined by this or some other plug-in.
Each token in the path must represent a valid category id previously defined by this or some other plug-in.