Simply by virtue of experience in clinical medicine and equipment inspection, is hard to avoid the occurrence of misdiagnosis.
It is not only difficult to make it economic but also lose precision if only by virtue of experience in design and it often leads to the emergence of engineering accidents.
So actually, you mind as long as the adjustment is good, you just think these people can be loud in there, sit there receive high salaries, that is, by virtue of experience with the technology.
The player defeated his rivals by virtue of greater experience.
The player defeated his rivals by virtue of greater experience.
A concept, constructed on the basis of human experience and by means of cognitive and cultural models, acquires meaning in virtue of association with a linguistic sign.
People's experiential reflex towards the nature of space forms a subconscious direction or conditioned reflex by virtue of their own experience.
By virtue of our experience of years dealing in the line of crystal and excellent craftsmen. To win credibility by the quality, to build up the brand by strength.
They had both become, by virtue of their moderation, their humour, and their abstinence from painful experience, people to whom others came FOR advice.
They had both become, by virtue of their moderation, their humour, and their abstinence from painful experience, people to whom others came FOR advice.