At the very beginning, information spread by word of mouth.
The news was carried by word of mouth to every settlement.
Bruce initially marketed the site by word of mouth, telling friends via E-mail.
These story tellers passed on the earliest tales about Arthur by word of mouth.
Now some 20 years later, her customers usually find out about her by word of mouth.
For lack of written language, the Maoris passed on their tradition and history by word of mouth.
That story isn't true, of course; it's an urban legend, circulating by word of mouth since the 1970s.
Legends of the 'Dreamtime' are handed down by word of mouth and by totem from generation to generation.
Plans for the first International Women's Day demonstration were spread by word of mouth and in the press.
The "how" of hiring is transmitted by word of mouth, by following another's example, or by trial and error.
They must know their product thoroughly and know how to promote sales by word of mouth, telephone or letter.
Acts 15:27 Therefore we have sent Judas and Silas, who themselves will report the same things by word of mouth.
Having heard about the movie by word of mouth, I finally watched the Thai summer hit Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
We may call God's word transmitted by word of mouth fluid revelations, and the record made by Moses solid revelations.
Long before the emergence of the written word, ballads and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular.
Folk tales are traditional stories' of the people 'that are handed down from one generation to another by word of mouth.
I'm so pleased you've been able to come this evening, and I hope you didn't mind getting your invitation by word of mouth.
The art of telling a humorous story--understand, Imean by word of mouth, not print--was created in America, and has remained athome.
Writers for radio next learned how to suggest place and time by word of mouth, accompanied by the impressionistic use of sound and music.
This well established business currently does not advertise, growing only by word of mouth and enjoying a hefty 90% repeat customer base.
Finally, by word of mouth and then observing the other homeless, I found out places where I could get myself a hot meal, so I could save money there.
Long before the emergence of the written word, ballads, accompanied by music and dance, and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular.
"Jerusalem" finally opened at the Royal Court Theatre last July, directed by Ian Rickson, their mutual friend; its reputation spread quickly by word of mouth.
In fact, use of the Self Check has spread internally among our development teams by word of mouth, because the goals are realistic, team-owned, and achievable.
Memories of her are trapped in the grey cells of those who knew her, in photographs (analogue and digital), and in countless stories passed on by word of mouth.
I do get some work through the Internet, but even in those cases it generally seems that people find me by word of mouth, rather than through LinkedIn or something like that.
I do get some work through the Internet, but even in those cases it generally seems that people find me by word of mouth, rather than through LinkedIn or something like that.