We have more cable channels, television shows, and movies than ever before.
It stands in contrast to more closed systems such as the broadcast or cable television networks.
It now offers two restaurants, 84 rooms with cable television, and a spa with a Turkish bath.
Another study discovered that, as cable television spread, the fertility rate in rural India dropped by as much as if women had received five additional years of education.
Cable television and the Internet have splintered the mass audience that trend establishers and marketers once lorded over.
Last summer, we reported that it was the most popular show ever broadcast on an American cable television network.
Comcast offers its customers a variety of bundled services: connection to the Internet, cable television, telephony and video on demand.
It has rejiggered its navigation to make it - somewhat - more like cable television and less like a place for people to post their wacky cat videos.
In homes with satellite or cable television, the corporation's share has fallen further: BBC1 and BBC2 together have just 23% of the former and 22% of the latter.
The isi itself is widely believed to be responsible for everything from the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in late 2007 to the rise of fundamentalist chat shows on cable television.
Broadcast television receives a bigger boost from DVR playback than cable television.
The first window for “Sunny” is on cable television, which relies on subscriber revenue.
“阳光”的第一个窗口是在有线电视 网,而有线电视网依赖的是用户缴纳的收视费。
As Mr Mayo points out, cable television provides enormously varied fare; the key to its success is that people know where to go to satisfy their peculiar tastes.
Now, with its success online, Netflix has raised fears that consumers may stop paying for cable television - the much-debated phenomenon of cord-cutting.
Fixed-line carriers have responded by expanding into broadband Internet, Web-based cable television and other services.
For those unfamiliar with MythBusters, it is an hour -long cable television show hosted by two former Hollywood special-effects experts and three charismatic and knowledgeable co-stars.
They involved the purchase of cable television stations.
What is rarely mentioned is that going digital will also let television broadcasters break into the telephone and internet-access business, as their cable-television rivals have already done.
The simple truth is that cloud computing is becoming as big a part of our everyday lives as cell phones or cable television.
He would return with stories about new things we could not imagine, like cable television with 50 stations.
Cable television which in many countries now gives a choice of dozens of channels will soon be used to protect our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms linked to police and fire stations.
Kabel Deutschland Holding AG dropped 4.4 percent to 36.28 euros as UBS AG downgraded shares of Germany's largest cable - television operator to "neutral" from "buy."
德国最大的有线电视运营商Kabel Deutschland股价下跌4.4%,至36.28欧元,瑞银集团把该公司股票评级从买入下调为中性。
They raised money for cable-television channels and mega-casinos in Las Vegas—both innovative new businesses at the time—with fabled entrepreneurs such as Ted Turner and Steve Wynn.
他们曾经和传奇企业家泰德•特纳(Ted Turner)[5]和史蒂夫•韦恩(Steve Wynn)[6]等人一起为当时的两大新生产业,有线电视频道和拉斯维加斯的大型赌场筹资。
They raised money for cable-television channels and mega-casinos in Las Vegas—both innovative new businesses at the time—with fabled entrepreneurs such as Ted Turner and Steve Wynn.
他们曾经和传奇企业家泰德•特纳(Ted Turner)[5]和史蒂夫•韦恩(Steve Wynn)[6]等人一起为当时的两大新生产业,有线电视频道和拉斯维加斯的大型赌场筹资。