They follow minutely the news from abroad on Cable news Network.
Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN(Cable News Network).
CNN (cable news Network) is an American-owned cable news channel that is viewed in over 200 countries.
According to the cable news network (CNN) reported, the fear of attack has killed 36 people, another 147 wounded.
'I think it's really a catastrophe of major proportions,' Haiti's ambassador to the U.S., Raymond Alcide Joseph, told Cable News Network.
海地驻美国大使约瑟夫(RaymondAlcide Joseph)对有线电视新闻网(CNN)说,这真是一场重大灾难。
A long-term viewership decline continues for network news, although the evening news programmes continue to have significantly more viewers than cable news networks.
Yet cable news and the network morning shows especially are still ODing on MJ.
TURNER NETWORKS has just sent out an E-mail to the press boasting that CNN, which it owns, drew more viewers to its election night broadcasts than did MSNBC, a rival cable-news network.
These pieces run on local or network nightly news programs or cable news weekly programs.
While I do have cable, I have it only for the local stations; having access only to network news.
Which continued and led to the lost of several lives of foreign (white) farmers as reported on cable network news (CNN) and by the British broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
Which continued and led to the lost of several lives of foreign (white) farmers as reported on cable network news (CNN) and by the British broadcasting Corporation (BBC).