The present invention may provide a wrap-around cable sleeve for protecting electrical cable sections of various shapes and sizes from the environment, including moisture as well as sharp objects.
The Red Valve Hawse pipe valve features a flexible reinforced elastomer sleeve that seals tightly around the anchor chain or cable.
Electric welding machine cable [1] (YH cable) full of high strength rubber sleeve electric welding cable, commonly known as welding wire, is a YC cable (general rubber cable).
Cable inner end must use steel nut cap. Lead sealing is required for the sealing between the cable inner head and metal sleeve, which has a good sealing property.
Woven products: PET network, nylon network management, expansion sleeve, green network, round picture tube fiber optic cable woven wire, copper braid shielded cable, and professional Weaving process.
The sleeve is used for repairing the breakage of the cable and the cable's jacket. It can easily and quickly seal up the damaged outer jacket of the cable, and insulate.
The sleeve is used for repairing the breakage of the cable and the cable's jacket. It can easily and quickly seal up the damaged outer jacket of the cable, and insulate.