The result is, although its get data, also be one caboodle random code, without how old good.
And, there, deep below the caboodle of kitsch on ground level, is what makes Bab al-Azizia so deeply unsplendid: a bunker.
The other side of the hairpin carries a collection of negative charges, so that the whole caboodle is electrically neutral.
Although color television often is snowflake dot of Man Bing, fanner often gives out bulldozer like roar, that also is sweat caboodle comes out ah.
We decided to move to California, so we loaded everything we owned - the whole kit and caboodle - in our old car and we drove all the way across the USA.
我们决定要搬到加州去,于是把自己的一切所有往我们那旧车上一装, 就开车上路横跨整个美国了。
While only the team leaders will get the whole kit and caboodle for now, every soldier will get a GPS beacon, alerting the higher-ups to their sub rosa whereabouts.
Cent cuts the gross tea pretreatment that just wraps tea the process such as tea of cut up with a hay cutter, screening, burden, evaporate, wetting caboodle, build next make.
Cent cuts the gross tea pretreatment that just wraps tea the process such as tea of cut up with a hay cutter, screening, burden, evaporate, wetting caboodle, build next make.