Cadaverous dream when no longer cadaverous?
It is the cadaverous number on statistical code, be still the joyance after changeover becomes money?
Over lunch I find myself sitting under Genrikh Yagoda - a thin, cadaverous-looking man with a black moustache.
Men with bare arms matted locks and cadaverous faces who had emerged into the winter light from cellars moved away to descend again.
I said that I was surprised I looked so normal, that I wasn't the horribly twisted and cadaverous figure I had always imagined myself to be.
Pride, contempt, defiance, stubbornness, submission, lamentation, succeeded one another; so did varieties of sunken cheek, cadaverous colour, emaciated hands and figures.
Here's one climbing out of the pool: First her face appeared, long and cadaverous, with a bandage -like bathing cap coming down almost to her eyes, and sharp teeth protruding from her mouth.
Here's one climbing out of the pool: First her face appeared, long and cadaverous, with a bandage -like bathing cap coming down almost to her eyes, and sharp teeth protruding from her mouth.