I found Cairngorm to be overly complex and, in a lot of ways, a square wheel.
For Cairngorm, we offer a service locator that can be configured in the IoC container.
In discussions surrounding the voting, one developer, Karl, Shared why he does not use cairngorm.
We use Tom Bray's EasyMVC, which is very simple, but uses most of the concepts used by Cairngorm.
Cairngorm has no notion of a mediator, a supervising presenter, passive view or anything like it.
This paradigm breaks in Cairngorm for example when a module fires an event to update the model.
可这样的情形在Cairngor m中是行不通的,比如当某个模块触发事件更新模型的时候。
We did find that Cairngorm does not work though, because Cairngorm assumes only one copy of the MVC.
The frontcontroller we offer is a subclass of the Cairngorm frontcontroller and accepts custom command factories.
我们提供的frontcontroller是Cairngorm frontcontroller的一个子类,它接收定制的命令工厂。
He began skiing as a child in the Cairngorm mountains, in central Scotland, and even remembers taking home a Thermos flask of snow as a souvenir.
I had built a video player in Cairngorm and wanted to port it to another application that required multiple instances of the player to be on stage at once.
Furthermore, I didn't like the way Cairngorm had only one main controller and everything was accessed through singletons, allowing only one model and one controller.
Furthermore, I didn't like the way Cairngorm had only one main controller and everything was accessed through singletons, allowing only one model and one controller.