If performance is important, you can access the EJBs via their local interface (call-by-reference), unless your topology requires remote access.
The enable-call-by-reference element is generally used to pass parameters by reference rather than by value, which requires making a copy of the parameters.
Modelers should make no assumptions about the location of the data, call-by-value or call-by-reference semantics, nor any implicit concurrency management facilities.
Modelers should make no assumptions about the location of the data, call-by-value, or call-by-reference semantics nor any implicit concurrency management facilities.
Therefore, if call by reference is enabled, it applies to all of the remote interfaces in the application, not only to a subset of them.
By enabling pass by reference, the parameters of the method are not copied to the stack with every remote call, which can be expensive.
We call love what binds us to certain creatures only by reference to a collective way of seeing for which books and legends are responsible.
To summarize, the ORB pass by reference option basically treats the invoked EJB method as a local call (even for EJBs with remote interfaces) and avoids the requisite object copy.
总的来说,OR B通过引用传递选项基本上将调用的EJB方法作为本地调用对待(甚至对于带远程接口的EJB),并避免必需的对象复制操作。
This is Wayne's [Kelly] call, but I expect that the reference parameters will end up being passed by copying.
这是Wayne Kelly的调用,但是我期望引用参数能通过复制传递而终止。
The declaration begins with the global reference to the Flex application, then a method call that always begins with the string get followed by the ID of the target object.
该声明首先是Flex应用程序的全局引用,然后是始终以字符串get 为开头、后接目标对象ID的方法调用。
The first thing a session bean must do is to obtain a reference to a PersistenceManagerFactory by making a JNDI lookup call.
In a thinly veiled reference to Barack Obama, he said he would fight to make sure "Americans are not deceived by an eloquent, but empty call for change."
The service call is made simple by helper code that is generated for each reference (you create the references in an assembly diagram, as we will explain shortly).
The paper makes in-depth analysis about essence of call by values and call by references, return by value and return by reference, also explains these through some examples.
The paper makes in-depth analysis about essence of call by values and call by references, return by value and return by reference, also explains these through some examples.