Ask everybody to call him Mr. Li later, then he begins to call-over.
If one naughty boy played games on his class, the teacher would call-over him and leave him to stand for the whole class.
I can call all over the world on a device that doesn't have a phone.
When nutrients are used over and over in the environment, we call that a nutrient cycle.
The food industry will be alarmed that such senior doctors back such radical moves, especially the call to use some of the tough tactics that have been deployed against smoking over the last decade.
Waving or pointing to an Arab business person would be considered rude because that is how Arabs call their dogs over.
Even as the setting sun silhouettes these gigantic structures against the great desert expanse, a call for prayer floats over semi-finished apartment blocks filled with the activity of city life.
A new system allows a combine harvester, say, to send a call over to a tractor-trailer so the driver can unload the grain as and when necessary.
As soon as one call was over, another call came in.
Now, they only communicate over the phone or video call.
Kim and Zech often text, talk over the phone and even video call.
The man who had his bright lights on came over and told Larry he had made an emergency call.
"We call it crying over dog commercials crying," Brizendine said.
Now, he must defeat Rio De Janeiro’s violent crime, which residents call the biggest cloud over their city’s postcard-perfect bid.
She dragged him to the bed in the room adjoining and came out into the hall to call over the telephone for the doctor, as I have related.
This entry point is the URL that clients call over HTTP POST to execute SugarCRM web services methods.
Yes, you could call it the herd mentality spilling over to the Internet, but if it works, it works!
So we gave the Plumber King a call and invited him over to fix a broken toilet.
I fretted over whether I would call; whether I would call and immediately hang up; whether I would ever do anything important on my own.
Send an email or pick up the phone and call those people you wish to see over the holidays.
A dirty spoon or a fly in your soup are good reasons to call over your server. But to fuss over every little thing will most definitely be a turn off to your date.
And tonight there was a call. She went over, picked it up, and went into the other room for a few minutes then came back.
Some Banks call it the over-the -counter rate for convenience.
European rivalry over that first call is matched when it comes to the first meeting.
Banks may call in loans, or refuse to roll over short-term credits.
With policy files, you get fine-grained control over exactly who can call your servers and who cannot.
When you make a call, it is routed as a VoIP call over the broadband connection, which can handle several calls at once.
Figure1 illustrates the way a client and server completes an RPC call over the network.
At first, consumers reached the Internet through a call over a telephone line to an internet-service provider.
News seems to move faster than small boys can scramble and dart to tell it, faster than women can call it over the fences.