It was when I threw the dead match on the ground that I noticed something bright red trickling from under the call box door.
Then everything changed in the year of 1950. You might as well call it the Year of the Lunch Box, thanks in large part to a genius move by a Nashville based manufacturer, Aladdin Industries.
Allen had to call a taxi because the box was much too heavy to carry all the way home.
Some crappy Secret Santa thing, a bowl of punch, and a box of Archway cookies and they call it a holiday bash?
Make sure both exception types are stopped, and then select the Call User Exit check box for both event and periodic exceptions, as shown in Figure 17.
You've seen that the your text box will call for the suggest function to be invoked when a user enters a character in the text box.
People like to call this “thinking outside of the box, ” which is the wrong way to look at it.
人们喜欢称之为"在盒子外面思考 ",而这是错误地看待它的方式。
I thought about how earlier this week, I discovered a box of old photos - some of me and my brother - and I had to call to ask my mom where I was in them.
People like to call this "thinking outside of the box," which is the wrong way to look at it.
Woz and Jobs sold these blue boxes to their classmates in college and even used a blue box to call the Pope while pretending to be Henry Kissinger.
The PHP code writes out the AD box with a single function call, which the page can call or not call depending on the circumstances.
Call it the human body box, and then we decide to copy to make a heart, by just injecting the right plasma, creating the right condition, and we start seeing materials in a gans state forming.
Right out of the box, you can embed these widgets in your existing and new applications to enable click-to-call, co-browsing, and two-way form interactions.
When you check a box in the membership view, the view issues an Ajax call to update the associated model on the server.
Because Web users don't normally take kindly to having entire pages freeze up while you refresh the select box in the corner, your GWT program makes its remote call and continues on its merry way.
It is what people in the auto industry call a classic two-box design, with the bigger box holding the passengers and a smaller one in front for the engine.
The only thing it cannot do is call the put method, and this is because it cannot verify the safety of such an operation without knowing the type parameter t for this Box instance.
Begin by pushing the current set of matrices onto the stack, then call translate to change the displacement for your box.
Keep personal phone calls brief and few — and never take a call that will require a box of tissues to get through.
Permission was granted and a policeman accompanied him to a call-box.
Call it "snapshots" and check the box saying "Enable experimental development snapshots" and save.
After the guest open the door, give regards to the guest, call the guest's name, inquires the baggage number and reminds the guest clear the safety box.
Don't have a chat with unknown men and don't answer any accost s. especially don't call gasman box lunch or call to repair you cloaca.
Now call on others to sing K, even one in the box who can not gather sufficient.
Later, we gradually grown up and found to have a "game" box, we call it "game."
But as we all know, when watching television we are actually just seeing something a few feet away an image on the glass front of the box we call a TV set.
But as we all know, when watching television we are actually just seeing something a few feet away an image on the glass front of the box we call a TV set.