The paper makes in-depth analysis about essence of call by values and call by references, return by value and return by reference, also explains these through some examples.
I also describe how to build an Ajax-enabled server validator control that validates a value of an HTML control by performing an asynchronous call to the server that validates the data.
The return value from the remote procedure is converted into a standard Perl scalar by call and printed.
The return value of an asynchronous call can be recovered by calling the EndInvoke method.
So, once again, you can always "call back" old values by refactoring the field to the original value, which can either be viewed as a feature or a bug, depending on your point of view at the time.
因此,通过将字段重构回初始值,总可以 “回调”旧值,取决于观察问题的角度,这可以说是一个特性,也可以说是一个bug。
If no messages are received by the timeout value, this call will stop dispatching messages and return.
We'll use this argument to be able to record and track the previous value returned by the SNMP call.
The next waiting function call is then reactivated, and the previous result is multiplied by this function's value of num, which is 3, resulting in 6.
然后重新激活下一个等待的函数调用,使用前一次调用的结果乘以这个函数的num的值(为3),结果是 6。
Modelers should make no assumptions about the location of the data, call-by-value or call-by-reference semantics, nor any implicit concurrency management facilities.
Modelers should make no assumptions about the location of the data, call-by-value, or call-by-reference semantics nor any implicit concurrency management facilities.
You can simulate this yourself by using a printf call and the strerror function, which returns a pointer to the textual representation of the current errno value.
The weather service requires you to call the getTempRequest method by passing in a zipcode value as a string and receiving the temperature as a floating-point value in the response.
传递一个zipcode字符串值给天气信息服务的 getTempRequest方法调用,最后以接收到的浮点值温度作为响应。
The enable-call-by-reference element is generally used to pass parameters by reference rather than by value, which requires making a copy of the parameters.
Such an object exists and retains its last-stored value during the execution of the block and while the block is suspended (by a call of a function or receipt of a signal).
And you can take pleasure in knowing that, according to the U. S. Forest Service, trees call boost the market value of your home by an average six or seven percent.
Some companies are bridging what we call an 'execution gap' by shaping their entire value proposition, strategy, operations and capabilities tightly around a strong commitment to what they stand for.
If the that terminates a function is reached, and the value of the function call is used by the caller, the behavior is undefined.
We believe they can do so by forming what we call hybrid value chains (HVCs), which capitalize on those complementary strengths to increase benefits and lower costs.
If the that terminates a function is reached, and the value of the function call is used by the caller, the behavior is undefined.
Unearthing the value by wisdom". We sincerely welcome the old and new customers to call and write us for ordering variety kinds of diamond wheels and other substandard electromechanical products."
Unearthing the value by wisdom". We sincerely welcome the old and new customers to call and write us for ordering variety kinds of diamond wheels and other substandard electromechanical products."