These conclusions call in question David Wright's explanation of the competition between terms in meme theory.
Because the philosophers of anti-inductivism generally overlook this condition, So they call in question or refutation of inductivism manyly with false ground of argument or a trick by ancien premier.
You call the grant writer at the natural history museum, who had a question about how to update outcome measures in the letter of intent that the museum is about to submit to you.
If the permission in question is granted in the given runtime context, the call will return quietly.
He suggests that these observations of bugs predating reptiles call into question previously held opinions about predator-prey dynamics in freshwater habitats.
If the quake did cause the damage, it could call into question the resilience of TEPCO's other nuclear installations in Japan.
In other words, whereas the new satellite measurements call into question computer models of solar output, it does not change the fundamental physics of human-induced global warming.
In 1995, when Gallup started asking the question, the split was 56-33 in favor of abortion rights. Now the lines have crossed, and 51% call themselves pro-life while only 42% say they are pro-choice.
A customer standing in a store and armed with a smart phone can call up comparative prices from rivals - unless the item in question is only available at that particular store.
To engage in civil disobedience of any kind is not only to call this or that rule into question but it is to call into question the very nature of law, the very question of the rules.
Rubinstein's approach to the second question, illustrated nicely in Chapters 1 and 3, is what I'll call the structural optimization hypothesis.
In a January earnings call, Apple chief operating officer Tim Cook gave a loaded response to a reporter's question about the Pre, suggesting Apple might Sue the company for copying the iPhone.
The subject's practitioners have a horror of what they call "bucket chemistry" -even if the buckets in question are merely test-tube sized.
从事化学研究的人很不喜欢所谓的“提桶化学(bucket chemistry)”——即使所研究的提桶仅有试管一般大小亦然。
The findings in healthy children call dietary recommendations into question, the researchers said.
The resulting data provides a count of how frequently the function in question was on top of the call stack when the process was sampled.
If you have any question in using the computer, please call our service hotline::0755-81196483, We will arrange our customer service to assist you .
If nothing happened, the girl in question should be happy to say so to her friends. If Denny is innocent and neighborhood boys are attacking him, you should call the police.
The relation between individual and society is a fundamental question of sociology and it has a primary influence on the problems in modern society, so we also call it the meta-problem of sociology.
I wanted to call attention to a few places in the text in which it is a question of expectation and of the way in which this expectation can be violated.
Robert: Today I call you to ask you a question. If I want to set up a resident office in your country, who will be responsible for examining and approving my application?
After I've read Economical Mathematic basis, I call the settlement and result of a sample in question, and give out a correct sample and settlement.
The question whether we ought to call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor.
On every occasion I must ask myself this question, and inquire, what I now in this part of me which they call the ruling principle?
The question whether we ought to call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor.
Some journalists even hide their interview purpose in question or scheme news. We call these "revulsion".
Some journalists even hide their interview purpose in question or scheme news. We call these "revulsion".