Stow your scorn, call off your hellish swarm.
Meanwhile, Finkelstein was being called in by big professors in the field who were telling him, "Look, call off your crusade;
Meanwhile, Finkelstein was being called in by big professors in the field who were telling him, "Look, call off your crusade;".
As you walk down the street, your call is seamlessly handed off between access points until you get to the far end of your travels.
Once you leave us, you'll have a better chance for a good job and a way to pay off your debt and to give us more money when we call on you as alumni.
If you forget and your phone does ring, your response should be, "I can't talk now, I will call you back." and then turn the danged thing off.
Turn call-waiting off so your call isn't interrupted.
Have you ever put off a difficult phone call or a high-pressure task for days and days... only to find it looming larger and larger in your mind?
If it's something that got on your skin, like a cleaning product, wash it off, then call a poison center and follow the specialist's advice.
A dirty spoon or a fly in your soup are good reasons to call over your server. But to fuss over every little thing will most definitely be a turn off to your date.
If your cell phone is ringing, from your purse, you can turn it off or answer the call with less distraction.
For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.
As with all public places, unless you're waiting for an important call, it's recommended that you turn off your mobile phone at the gym.
That mechanism in the iPhone is used to detect when, say, it's pressed against an object, usually your head, to tell the display to turn off during a call.
Answer: you can always turn off global logging by setting global_logging to N. However, if you want to shave every millisecond from your stored procedure's execution time, comment out all CALL DB2.
解答:可以通过将global_logging设置成n来全局地关闭日志功能。然而,如果希望节省存储过程执行时的每一毫秒的时间,那么在确信SQL - PL和外部存储过程都已经准备好之后,就可以注释掉所有的CALL DB2。
You have a meeting with a client but are expecting a call; you should turn your cell phone off.
We all put things off. Maybe it's making that phone call, tidying your desk, sorting out a few little-but-annoying problems around the home…
Please turn off your mobile or set it to vibration mode during discussions and meetings. Please take your mobile outside conference room in case you have to take or make a call.
We agreed on attending the party last night. However, when I tried to call you last night, I found that your phone was off.
We are off work now, please call us after half past one PM, our sales clerk will help you with your problem.
Back to school, dormitory phone call to the Ning-mei, when she know that I get cut off when the first sentence is: "how your cell phone shut down 56 times a month do?"
But ladies, if your guy makes a lot less than you do, it doesn't mean you should call off the wedding - or hire a private eye - just yet.
But ladies, if your guy makes a lot less than you do, it doesn't mean you should call off the wedding - or hire a private eye - just yet.