He can't run in the halls, cut in line, call out, or swing his paintbrush around.
I waited for them to call out the winner.
Many times when my father was sitting with his male friends, he would call out for me to come to him.
Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace, he heard the driver call out, "Now, jump!"
He refused to call out the militia to protect employers now.
Next we'll examine how to call out to other programs without exposing a vulnerability.
These scripts are exposed as services but also allow you to call out to other services.
In a typical Sprint Planning meeting, team members call out tasks that need to be done.
In a typical Sprint Planning meeting, team members will call out tasks that need to be done.
Upon prompting by the facilitator, participants call out features, and function, and connections.
When she saw her friend Mandy walking her cocker spaniel, she would call out, "Hello, Mandy!"
It was the weather to call out May's radiance, and she burned like a young maple in the frost.
Now this is going to take you a little longer don't call out, you might have to write it down.
Conversely, imagine a business process that needs to call out to an already existing EJB service.
"As far as I am concerned," I said, "we can call out another name, or try somewhere else if you like."
Okay lets have a look at these arguments, one of them is good and one of them is bad. don't call out.
HTC also sells phones running Microsoft's Windows Mobile OS, but Apple does not call out Windows phones.
There is nothing to call out his individuality, his ingenuity, his powers of balancing, judging, deciding.
Product and portal development expertise could be necessary to help call out the details of a project plan.
Composed method: methods call out to other methods, each of which are roughly the same level of abstraction.
组合方法(Composed method):方法中调用其他方法,而且这些被调用的方法基本上处于同样的抽象层次。
There is therefore no choice but to call out once again, even if the voice becomes hoarse, until it is heard.
My life did not flash before my eyes—I was only seven—and I did not call out for my mother or father or to God.
I have worked with a modified version of GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) that included a call out to a license manager.
我曾经使用过GNUCompilerCollection (GCC)的修订版,内含了一个对许可管理器的调用。
If you call out this way to key-unsafe functions, the glue code recognizes the situation and takes care of it for you.
People would not look or talk to strangers passing and would never call out to a friend on the other side of the street.
Bharara's favorite high school teacher recalls a phone call out of the blue in 2009: "hi, Mrs. T, this is Preet," he said.
Well before she arrived, she'd call out a friendly word with what little voice she had left, which was shrill and rasping.
Applications can make use of the cloud in order to call out for added value, such as storage, queuing, and hosted applications.
This design was chosen because there was no obvious single call out; therefore, it made sense to combine the logic within one flow.
This design was chosen because there was no obvious single call out; therefore, it made sense to combine the logic within one flow.