It also includes some extensions, such as an interface to call out to c.
Next we'll examine how to call out to other programs without exposing a vulnerability.
These scripts are exposed as services but also allow you to call out to other services.
Conversely, imagine a business process that needs to call out to an already existing EJB service.
I seek and call out to those to whom I can communicate such thinking without bringing about their deaths.
Composed method: methods call out to other methods, each of which are roughly the same level of abstraction.
组合方法(Composed method):方法中调用其他方法,而且这些被调用的方法基本上处于同样的抽象层次。
I have worked with a modified version of GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) that included a call out to a license manager.
我曾经使用过GNUCompilerCollection (GCC)的修订版,内含了一个对许可管理器的调用。
People would not look or talk to strangers passing and would never call out to a friend on the other side of the street.
Insure your child does not have their name on their backpack, etc., as this would enable a potential abductor to call out to the child by name.
Suppose you have a web service client running on your home computer and you try to call out to some service on the web that will take a while to execute.
Upon receiving a message from the message bus, these components call out to a remote Web services endpoint, notifying it that a message has been received.
The code makes a call out to a template and the template is matched by the signature of the call. In this case the template can be found in the uml2utility.xsl.
There they conduct exercises in a simulated disaster zone which are an eerie echo of real tragedies: sniffer dogs scrabble over collapsed buildings and rescuers call out to potential survivors.
Most of today's programming languages include large built-in libraries, some of which are self-contained and others that might be specifically designed to call out to external programs or services.
He raced to pick up the life jackets while his stepmother sent out a Mayday call.
With 22.2 seconds to go before halftime, Brown wanted to call a time- out.
Call the family service agencies to find out if they sponsor this kind of sheltered housing.
Following a telephone call to the police from an anonymous caller, hundreds of shoppers were shepherded out of the store while roads in the area were sealed off.
It is hard to negotiate with a fellow lawmaker if the next minute you walk out on the steps and call [him] a weasel.
After an hour and a half, I pulled my cell phone out to call the friends I was supposed to meet that evening.
If you are making a long distance call on a public telephone and run out of money, give the number on your phone to the person you're talking to. Then hang up the receiver and he can call you back.
I think we should figure out some ways to stop people from polluting the river and call on them to fight against pollution.
Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace, he heard the driver call out, "Now, jump!"
Think of what you can reduce and reuse, and call your county or city waste management to find out about local compost programs.
Many times when my father was sitting with his male friends, he would call out for me to come to him.
I waited for them to call out the winner.
I waited for them to call out the winner.