English logical connectors, as we sometimes call signal words, name relationships between ideas in a sentence or a group of sentences.
She attempts to call for help but her cell phone is unable to get a signal.
Some people deem it is a dangerous signal and call for public awareness of the negative effects it has brought about.
If a special tag-reader is waved near the arm, a radio signal prompts the chip to transmit an identification number which is used to call up information about the wearer in a computer database.
Or, you call some function that was in the middle of the manipulation of the global data structure and you call the same function from the signal handler.
What if the process was in the middle of allocating additional memory on its heap using malloc, and you call malloc from the signal handler?
如果当进程正在使用malloc在它的堆上分配额外的内存时,您通过信号处理器调用 malloc,那会怎样?
The function call sigsuspend resolves this problem by resetting the signal mask and putting the process to sleep in a single atomic operation.
The first way is to install a signal handler for the SIGBUS signal, and then simply call return in the handler.
Your write system call will be interrupted by the bus error signal SIGBUS, because you performed a bad memory access.
Suppose a signal is generated during the very small time gap between setting the errno variable by the close system call and its return.
When the phone hits 1 bar, he can still make a call, but not when it's "searching for signal."
Suppose the signal handler prints a message with fprintf and the program was in the middle of an fprintf call using the same stream when the signal was delivered.
For the SIGCHLD signal, the application must call the wait (3c) function to wait for the child process to exit.
对于SIGCHLD信号,应用程序必须调用wait (3c)函数,以等待子进程退出。
Using events - a signal is set as soon as the asynchronous call is finished.
Kill system call takes two arguments: 1 the PID process id of the process that needs to be signalled 2 the signal that needs to be send to the process.
Perfecting a robot that bridges the gap will call for advances in almost every facet of modern robotics: artificial intelligence, machine vision, mechanical and electrical design, signal processing.
The third way that we--that composers signal to us that we pick up almost intuitively the whereabouts of downbeats is through patterns of accompaniment. We'll call it range.
Don't place the cell phone on your ear while your call is connecting — that's the time the phone is sending out its strongest signal.
Most corporations, on the other hand, only know how to talk in the soothing, humorless monotone of the mission statement, marketing brochure, and your-call-is-important-to-us busy signal.
I call this a Hound of the Baskervilles signal, after a story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Not usually. And if I get a busy signal, I call that person again later in the day.
Channelization code management can increase the throughput, decrease the blocking probability of call setup requests, and reduce the signal Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) in 3g systems.
Such an object exists and retains its last-stored value during the execution of the block and while the block is suspended (by a call of a function or receipt of a signal).
Using events - a signal is set as soon as the asynchronous call is finished.
Call Accepted signal a control signal transmitted by the called equipment to indicate that it accepts an incoming call.
First, the audio signal is established in the same way that any phone call is made... only if the called subscriber also has a video phone set.
Thereafter, when the packet call establishment response signal is received, the packet data storing part (12) reads the packet data from the memory and deletes it therefrom.
Thereafter, when the packet call establishment response signal is received, the packet data storing part (12) reads the packet data from the memory and deletes it therefrom.