Continue to simplify CM Server call stack.
Contains the thread and method call stack frames.
The program "call stack" is a list of functions which led up to the current one.
This buffer displays the call stack, with the current frame displayed in inverse video.
If the string is being passed to the integer function, you'll see this in the call stack.
The argument defines the level of the call stack for which you want to obtain the return address.
The call stack passes the exception to the catch block, and that is how it gets returned to the user.
Entries on the call stack can be selected, causing variables at the time of invocation to be displayed.
Note how all of the exceptions are caught, so that none of them are propagated upward to the call stack.
Think of the callcc as replacing the current call stack with the call stack in the continuation object.
可将callcc 视为使用continuation 对象中的调用堆栈替换当前堆栈的操作。
Whenever the actual code encounters any type of error, it throws an exception, which then goes to the call stack.
To find out the call stack for the malloc call, stktrace probe function can be called in the previous script.
SystemTap provides a number of other functions, as well, providing access to the call stack and current registers.
If there were many component calls before your breakpoint was hit, you would see the call stack in the Debug view.
When my SCA application encounters a problem, can someone explain the various classes I see on the runtime call stack?
Note that until now I have made no mention of the origins of the thread whose call stack was depicted in Figure 1.
注意,直到现在我还没有提到图 1 中描述的调用堆栈的线程起源。
Without a reference, you copy the entire array or hash onto the function call stack, and then copy it again in the function.
如果不使用引用,就需要将整个数组或hash 表复制到该函数的调用栈中,然后在函数中再次对其进行复制。
Because the state isn't dependent on a given call stack, the approach is more stable for things like long-duration workflows.
Listing 4 shows yet another portion of the hprof output, giving call stack information for allocation sites for Map.Entry objects.
清单4展示了hprof输出的另一部分,给出了Map . Entry对象的分配点的调用堆栈信息。
The current call stack for the thread is displayed, and the current line of execution is highlighted in the editor in the Debug perspective.
Case II: Only the server-side call stack ProtectionDomains that have been associated with the user identity should be used for the permission check.
第i i种情况:应当只用与用户身份相关联的服务器端调用堆栈protectiondomain进行权限检查。
In order to be able to perform the action as the Subject, the Subject must be introduced (or injected) into the ProtectionDomains on the call stack.
为了能够将操作作为Subject执行,必须在调用堆 栈中将 Subject引入(或者注入)ProtectionDomain 。
Rather than using programmatic transactions within the same method, you can move the update operations to another public method within the call stack.
Call with continuation gives you a code block, and the continuation (or a saved call stack, with instance variables), which you assign to a variable.
This allowed Emacs to display more information, including the call stack, local variables of the current stack and the status of any breakpoints.
This call leads to essentially the same algorithm being executed, but on the call stack encapsulated in this AccessControlContext (belonging to the client).
This object must have a method called run(), which is executed by the runtime once the current frame in the call stack is specially marked as described above.
这个对象必须有一个名为run() 的方法,在调用堆栈中的当前帧特别做了如上所述的标记时,由运行时执行这个方法。
When you put the example SCA application into a debugger and place a breakpoint on the AddService add method, you see a call stack trace similar to Listing 4.
当使用调试器调试示例SCA应用程序并在AddServiceadd方法上设置断点时,将看到如清单 4 所示的调用堆栈跟踪。
When you put the example SCA application into a debugger and place a breakpoint on the AddService add method, you see a call stack trace similar to Listing 4.
当使用调试器调试示例SCA应用程序并在AddServiceadd方法上设置断点时,将看到如清单 4 所示的调用堆栈跟踪。