Whenever you watch the mind, you withdraw consciousness from mind forms, which then becomes what we call the watcher or the witness.
For example, you can run programs, set line, watch and service entry breakpoints, step through program instructions, examine variables, and examine the call stack.
Rather than call friends and enjoy some social time, he does nothing for the rest of the evening except watch TV until late at night.
Some Treasury bonds issued before 1985 did have call provisions, however, so you need to watch out if you buy these bonds in the secondary market.
Women need to know what kind of lies to watch for, when to accept the lies and when to call a partner’s bluff.
If the listener clicks on it, Pandora keeps playing music in the background, and if the listener decides to watch a video or make a call from the advertiser’s Web site, Pandora will pause the music.
The FBI seems to have taken that message on board, and has adopted what some call a 'neighbourhood watch' stance.
Purify offers a wide set of memory watch point APIs that you can call from the debugger to assist you in debugging the memory corruption problems in your program.
Dad had an old video of him playing for the RAF, doing this one skill he had - I call it the Don Walcott special - and he made me watch that a lot.
爸爸有一盘他为RAF踢球时的旧录像带,他表演这些技巧- - -我称之为don的特别技术(Don Walcott special) - - -他经常让我看这盘带子。
The most fun here is at the duck pond with all the ducks and geese. But watch out for a duck I call Sally.
"I wouldn't call myself a geek, but I do sometimes teach Mommy and Daddy stuff about computers, " she says. "And I do watch TV, but only informative programmes like the news and documentaries."
Dave: There's a game this Friday. I will call my cousin and we can meet up and watch the game. Don't forget to wear your Kobe jersey.
Right. So I call you just hoping that you and Liu Yin will go and watch the match.
"This is really something you'd expect to see James Bond wearing in a 007 movie," Paik said as he took the call live on stage. "It's the world's smallest watch phone."
While standing watch in the Coast Guard station in Juneau, Alaska, I got a call from the Navy in the nearby city of Adak.
The system can watch SMS platform, and provide potent data statistic and report forms. Great capacity of call data produced in SMSC is the source of statistic and report forms.
They call soccer the beautiful game, and when we watch Ronaldo doing things on the pitch that no earthly being should be allowed to, we understand why.
But in practice DVRs have changed the way many people watch television, by allowing them to ignore the schedules and call up their favourite shows in a jiffy.
Simultaneously, an examined person can make a telephone call and watch TV, therefore the subjective acceptance degree to the examination for the examined person can be increased.
同时,受检者可如同平常一样打电话、看电视,可增 加受检者对本项检查的主观接受程度。
I keep watch the phone, hope you can call me, but it doesn't matter... Why don't you phone to me?
Watch the radio communications: ships, fellow pilots, tank commanders, lookouts, recon planes and compounds can call for help or give vital information on the battlefield situation.
观看无线电通信:船舶,资深飞行员,坦克指挥官,瞭望台,侦察飞机和化合物可以致电寻求帮助,或提供重要信息,在战场上的情况。 稳定性改进和错误修正。
Watch the radio communications: ships, fellow pilots, tank commanders, lookouts, recon planes and compounds can call for help or give vital information on the battlefield situation.
观看无线电通信:船舶,资深飞行员,坦克指挥官,瞭望台,侦察飞机和化合物可以致电寻求帮助,或提供重要信息,在战场上的情况。 稳定性改进和错误修正。