This approach relies on the remote service accepting a callback function name as a request parameter.
To do this, make a HEAD request and then check for a 404 error in your callback function; Listing 11 shows a sample callback.
This code includes a callback function when your service responds successfully to your asynchronous request.
The core notifies the driver using previously registered callback functions after the transfer request is completed.
The container invokes the defined callback method when it receives a response for the previously sent request.
This is the final request/response portion of the Basic callback scenario described in the WS-I Usage Scenarios document.
Refer back to Listing 4 now and note that to make an asynchronous callback to the server, you have to know the URL to request.
The orderer must then be prepared to respond to a request (callback, in this case) to process the final invoice.
Listing 10 provides a simple callback function to output all the response headers from a head request.
The callback is how your server code can verify the username-and-password combination supplied by the client on a request.
Therefore, the IT architect has decided to use a simple request response or callback protocol between the consumer and provider.
The service requestor dispatches the request message and subsequently polls the service for the response, or a callback is dispatched to the requestor.
Moreover, you can also specify a callback function if you request JSON data from the service.
Your callback function will run several times — each time the ready state of the request changes — and you'll see an alert for each ready state.
This property ensures that a server has completed a request and typically, a callback function USES the data from the server to update a Web form or page.
The asynchronous callback equivalent of the synchronous operation shown in Example 4 consists of a request operation like this.
The strategy provider, as a potential observer of a strategy consumer, looks for RFSS web services, checks the type of request, and registers for a callback to execute the particular strategy.
The callback function specified in req.onreadystatechange is invoked when the server responds to the request.
在req.onreadystatechange 内指定的回调函数在服务器响应请求的时候调用。
The container invokes this callback handler when it receives a Web service response from the request sent earlier.
Creates a SOAP.Envelope encapsulating an RPC-Style request and sends that to the Web service, invoking a callback when a response is received.
创建一个封装rpc样式请求的SOAP . Envelope,并将其发送到Web服务。当接收到响应时,调用回调函数。
This callback function is invoked several times during the life cycle of the Ajax request whose current state can be obtained from the readyState property.
Make sure that when you set up your request, you set the callback function to updatePage ; to do this, set the onreadystatechange property of your request object to updatePage .
确保在建立请求时,将回调函数设置为updatepage;要实现这种设置,可以将请求对象的onreadystatechange属性设置为updatepage 。
In your own callback servlet, use the code below in Listing 3 to get the verifier and use it to request AccessToken and Secret.
Now the handler instance is ready to be invoked by WebSphere Application Server when the JAAS callback handler sequence is triggered by a service request in the client (Step 4).
The inbound representation of the operation request MAY contain a "webhook" field, whose value is a URI where the client expects a callback.
Now you need to add a callback Handler to add the security headers Username token type to the SOAP request.
This new code just looks to see whether the request object has changed in response to this onreadystatechange callback.
The sendRequest() function (see Listing 9) encodes the parameters, opens the request, adds the headers, sets the Ajax callback if async is true, and sends the HTTP request.
sendRequest()函数(见清单9)将参数编码,打开请求,添加头部,当async 为true 时设置Ajax回调,并发送 HTTP 请求。
The last parameter is what's known as a callback; that is, once the response has been received from the request made to locatetwitterer.groovy, the function defined in the callback is invoked.
Symbol, in this case, is a request parameter representing the requested ticker symbol, and callback is the name of your callback function in your Web application.
在这种情况下,symbol是表示请求ticker symbol的请求参数,而callback是Web应用程序的回调函数的名称。