On the programmes, she delivers her presentation well, with a calm demeanor despite being on a live recorded show.
His extremely calm demeanor as his nimble fingers raced up and down the ivories made Tatum's music even more astonishing.
Focus on what sets you apart, whether it's your calm demeanor or a knack for working across teams to get things done.
I'm always impressed with her calm demeanor when she is telling her kids to stop screaming while she is talking on the phone.
But we know that even if we can manage to put it out of our minds for the present, it will eventually come around and bite us on the butt and disturb our external calm demeanor.
A *clergyman's daughter known for her calm, common-sense *demeanor has emerged from the unholy political *scrum that erupted after the "Brexit" referendum, poised to become Britain's prime minister.
A *clergyman's daughter known for her calm, common-sense *demeanor has emerged from the unholy political *scrum that erupted after the "Brexit" referendum, poised to become Britain's prime minister.