On the subject of space walks, for example, audiences vary in their interests and how much complexity they can comprehend.
But as for the thundering of His mightiness, who can comprehend it?
Although you can comprehend one another, you can also play emotional games and hurt each other.
For oneself a smile, you can comprehend: Painful one time, to the joyful understanding can more concrete one time;
And all of life may hang in the balance. A hero learns quickly who can comprehend and who merely stands in your way.
It is decided by how to comprehend the ontology whether we can comprehend Marx's philosophy from the ontology's Angle.
From his poetry of mourning for friends, we can comprehend that it is time that can explain YiMin's tragic foreordination.
I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind can comprehend it.
At the same time, by central document, people can comprehend the structure and the significance of ancient bibliographic classification.
I don't know if you and other directors can comprehend how painful it is for me and the extended Disney family to arrive at this decision.
The reason was that Lin Yutang can comprehend Konfucian's life point of view, delightful serenity of seculusion and literary form at talking.
For the most part, God retains his secrets, and man standing on his intellectual tiptoes can comprehend only a small fraction of the Lord's doings.
Through this power, we can comprehend the poet's suffering life consciousness in the misery world and his pursuit of life and artistic ideal in his life.
By the analysis of the differences between Chinese and western dietary cultures, we can comprehend the respective cultural traditions of China and the west.
Lyotard doesn't offer us some certain theory about how to rewrite, however, we can comprehend his "to rewrite the modernity" by his understanding to Malraux.
Meanwhile, inspired by the candidates to answer in the problem-solving ideas, let in the face of a similar topic, can comprehend by analogy, easily resolved.
All above through which we can comprehend all principles of Marxian philosophy in a scientific system is the inherent logic of the main body of Marxian philosophy.
Their own rich can perceive the world is rich, good good, oneself can be perceived social magnanimous to experience life joy, success can comprehend life spectacular!
If you're getting your from the latest episode of Desperate Housewives, I can comprehend your confusion regarding what women bring to the table in the new-media marketplace.
As technical companies continue to release pioneering new products, someone has to transform their complex technical-ese into everyday language the average customer can comprehend.
I expect many teachers of physics can comprehend theory of multi-intelligence, teaching plan theory and their application. Thus physics teachers' ability of teaching plan will be advanced.
This is a place where you can master the research methods, and meet the real scholars. More importantly, you can comprehend here that the first step to study is to learn to be a man, a real man.
Here we have, in a great symbol of art, both the fair world of Apollo and its substratum, the terrible wisdom of Silenus, and we can comprehend intuitively how they mutually require one another.
My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior Spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality.
The users can comprehend the composition and run theory of robot and can further study in the teaching and science research. So the article's study has broad factual meaning and application prospects.
We know about our world because we've interacted with it, and only by simulating this interaction in our heads can we comprehend the behavior of someone else.
If you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it.
We know about our world because we've interacted with it and only by simulating this interaction in our heads can we comprehend the behaviour of someone else.
We know about our world because we've interacted with it and only by simulating this interaction in our heads can we comprehend the behaviour of someone else.