I believe with every fiber of my being that we - as Americans - can still come together behind a common purpose.
Connecting storage to the cluster can be direct or through a storage area network (SAN) switch, either by fiber, copper, or a mixture of the two (see Figure 1).
The reason: Labels can claim that products contain grains even if they \ \ \ 're highly processed and stripped of most of their nutrients and all of their fiber.
Eating carbs that are high fiber, whole grain and nutrient dense can improve the health profile of some low-carb diet programs.
One of the reasons that optical data transmission is so efficient is that different wavelengths of light loaded with different information can travel over the same fiber.
High fiber carbohydrates are relatively low glycemic but combining them with fat or protein can slow absorption even more.
Whether in a can, bottled, or homemade, vegetable juice is an excellent way to get the fiber and nutrients your body needs to fuel your weight loss.
Whole grains also can help combat high cholesterol, and because they are high in fiber, they are satisfying and make you feel full longer.
Soy is high in protein - one cup of beans can fill 40 percent of the DV for protein - and the bean also serves up generous helpings of fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
Great sources of fiber and protein, low in calories, you can eat beans all day long.
Also, many high-fiber foods are low in calories, so you can satisfy your hunger with fewer calories. Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are great sources of fiber.
Anyone who can boil water can whip up a batch of rice and lentils in just over half an hour, providing fiber, protein and one of humankind's classic comfort foods.
In addition, some diets restrict carbohydrate intake so much that they can result in nutritional deficiencies or insufficient fiber.
Oats are one of the top sources of soluble-fiber, the kind that can help sweep cholesterol out of the body and help keep blood sugar from rising too quickly.
Carbon fiber consists of thin strands of carbon woven into a yarn that in turn can be made into cloth.
With VIO, the individual LPARs can all be at various operating system levels but use the Fiber Channel, SCSI, and Ethernet resources concurrently.
The 3016b has two built-in copper Gigabit Ethernet ports and 16 SFP interfaces, of which two can be fiber.
The ship then sends the data via high-speed fiber-optic lines to a series of command centers, where oceanographers can analyze results in real time.
Research studies show that high-fiber foods can easily trim 300 or more calories off your daily intake, without your even being aware of the difference.
The best pre-game meal includes carbohydrates and protein for energy, but is low in fat and fiber, which can slow digestion.
The bra-turned-bag is made of polyester fiber created through recycling. The bra straps can be tied onto the bag as ribbons.
That means telecoms can finally put fiber-optic lines into people’s homes, where cables often run up against right angles and tight squeezes from the sidewalk to the house.
Just a few small changes - eating more fish, vegetables, nuts and fiber - can have a major impact on your risk for heart problems.
It's also high in fiber (after all, it comes from the bark of a tree) and can reduce heartburn in some people.
Eating some high-fiber whole grain cereals can seem like munching on cardboard.
Eating additional fiber -25 to 30 grams a day -and drinking plenty of water can help to prevent common problems such as constipation.
Eating additional fiber - 25 to 30 grams a day - and drinking plenty of water can help to prevent common problems such as constipation.
Eating additional fiber - 25 to 30 grams a day - and drinking plenty of water can help to prevent common problems such as constipation.