How can I apply for CFA Institute membership?
How can I apply for a New Zealand bank account before I go to New Zealand?
Excuse me. Where and how can I apply for a library card? I would like to borrow some books.
Can I apply for a two-room apartment at the University Village for my wife, myself and our daughter?
Can I apply for both a Grant and the Pre-Sale Option for us Distribution, or do I have to choose just one?
After we get divorced, my wife will claim our house so that I can apply for a mortgage as a first-home buyer since I don't have a house under my name.
But I believe this concept can apply to other areas as well; say, for instance, blogs.
You have less pressure to apply for grants, and you can take more time, I think, to work out your ideas.
Then I'm gonna apply for a job as an ordinary accountant in the company. And I can accumulate some experience there.
Celebrate the genius of your mistakes, and be thankful for the insight you've just been given. Learn from them and ask yourself, "How can I apply what I've just learned?"
That way, I can easily apply well-known concepts like an Enterprise Service bus (see also the IBM Patterns for e-business).
通过这样,我可以轻松地应用企业服务总线之类的各种熟知概念(另请参见ibmPatternsfor e - business)。
I want to apply for the campus radio station English show host. I think English presenters can exercise the ability of English communication.
Magda: First, let's go online and check out how you apply for a work permit. And I can help you.
I don't want to ask my supervisor to sponsor me. Can I still apply for CFA Institute membership?
Now I can just apply the spline method I described for the facade, drawing a spline with face snapping active.
I have my guess that by obtaining S'pore passport, she can travel to many countries without having to apply for visas.
Can I bring my family with me to USA when I apply for the H-1B visa?
当我拿到H - 1 B签证后,我能带我的家人一起去美国吗?
Thank you for your support and help. I need the application procedure and detail address of the school, so that I can send the documents to apply for it.
Q: Can I apply directly to the school for admission to the work-study program, or do I need to go through a consulting agent or placement agency in my home country?
Dentist: I can either have you come back for a deep cleaning to see if it will improve the condition, or apply sensitive teeth treatment to the affected areas today.
But how can I apply to practice? I am thinking about applying for more reimbursement for my mobile bill.
Mom will go to the bank counter and help me to apply the online service, and then I can pay for the fee.
Can I be in does a country apply for brushstroke dormancy money to arrive on my account to some bank of another country?
Because of this, I can understand why Hulls wants to put legal pressure on men's clubs; to ask them to apply for exemption, and demonstrate why they should exile half the population from their ranks.
Sorry, I must ask, because the interest rates can depend on the type of loan you apply for.
However, British children are, I believe better prepared for further education and career choices as they understand their knowledge and can apply it.
CSR: I suggest you can apply for nose number package, it's only 0.4yuan RMB per minute.
CSR: I suggest you can apply for nose number package, it's only 0.4yuan RMB per minute.